在 IE 7 和 IE 8 中加载图像时无法设置标题属性
该脚本的流程是加载第一个图像并显示它,然后调用 preloadImages 函数,该函数然后以预设的时间间隔加载其余图像。
是在我的插件开始时定义的全局变量 ( var preload_img = 1;
// load the images in sequence one after another
function preloadImages()
var div = '<div id="'+options.id_holder+preload_img+'" class="bg_img_holder"></div>';
var img = new Image();
//alert("loading: " + options.img_path + images[preload_img].image + " " + preload_img);
alert("loaded: " + $(this).attr('src') + " " + $(this).attr('title'));
$img_holder = $('#'+options.id_holder+$(this).attr('title'));
'display': 'none',
'background-color': images[$(this).attr('title')].background,
'z-index': -500
.height($img_holder.width() * 0.5625);
'src': options.img_path + images[preload_img].image,
'title': preload_img
//if there's another image to load after this one
if(++preload_img < (images.length))
interval_preload = setInterval(preloadImages,1500);
尽管 preload_img
当页面最初打开时(打开浏览器,输入地址,按 Enter 键),该问题不会出现,但每次都会出现。
有一个非常基本的测试用例: http://jsfiddle.net/72Sy6/4/ 除了 IE7 之外,警报在我测试过的所有浏览器中生成预期数据,IE7 在打开页面时具有预期数据,但在所有其他时间都没有。
我提前对警报框表示歉意,但这是我知道在 IE7 中进行调试的唯一方法:X
编辑:在 IE 8 中的幻灯片中没有遇到错误,但此测试用例显示局部变量同样未定义。
I'm in the process of debugging a background image slideshow I wrote.
The flow of the script is that it loads the first image and displays it and then calls the preloadImages function which then loads the rest of the images at a preset interval.
is a global variable defined at the start of my plugin ( var preload_img = 1;
) that keeps track of the current image number being preloaded and keeps its value like it should, but this value isn't being applied to the title attribute of the image.
// load the images in sequence one after another
function preloadImages()
var div = '<div id="'+options.id_holder+preload_img+'" class="bg_img_holder"></div>';
var img = new Image();
//alert("loading: " + options.img_path + images[preload_img].image + " " + preload_img);
alert("loaded: " + $(this).attr('src') + " " + $(this).attr('title'));
$img_holder = $('#'+options.id_holder+$(this).attr('title'));
'display': 'none',
'background-color': images[$(this).attr('title')].background,
'z-index': -500
.height($img_holder.width() * 0.5625);
'src': options.img_path + images[preload_img].image,
'title': preload_img
//if there's another image to load after this one
if(++preload_img < (images.length))
interval_preload = setInterval(preloadImages,1500);
Although preload_img
is defined while it loads the image ( the first alert which is commented out shows the correct value ) when the image is loaded the title is an empty string (the second, uncommented alert).
The issue doesn't present itself when the page is initially opened (open up browser, type in address, hit enter) but does every other time.
It's probably something small I've missed, but I've spent the last hour looking through this and am going crazy.
There's a really basic test case at: http://jsfiddle.net/72Sy6/4/
The alerts generate the expected data in all the browsers I've tested apart from IE7 which, has the expected data when the page is opened, but all other times does not.
I apologise in advance for the alert boxes, but that's the only way I know of debugging in IE7 :X
edit: Hadn't been experiencing errors in IE 8 with the slideshow, but this testcase shows the local variables as being similarly undefined.
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For a reason I'm not entirely sure of, changing this:
to this:
fixed the problem.