我想了解一些基于 Phonegap+jqtouch 在 iphone 或 android 上的应用程序
有没有一些基于 Phonegap + jqtouch 在 iphone 和 android 上创建的漂亮应用程序? 如果能给个名字或者下载链接就更好了。
Are there some beautiful app created based on Phonegap + jqtouch on iphone and android?
If you can give the names or links to download , that will be better.
Thank you~~
PhoneGap 网站有一个应用程序部分,用于展示用户应用程序。您可能需要自己探索,但每个应用程序都会显示支持的设备,并且还会链接回开发人员的网站。
The PhoneGap website has an Apps Section that showcases user apps. You may have to explore yourself, but each app profiled shows supported devices and also links back to the developers' sites.