是否有用于 Asp.net Web 开发的现成主题框架列表
至于 Php,有很多主题框架 warp5 等。但是是否有一个主题框架或一些框架,我可以用它快速开发正在创建的新网站的线框和原型。我主要使用 960G 来处理 CSS 内容。但这不是您建议的主题框架的考虑因素。我也愿意接受有关 CSS 部分的建议。
As for Php there are loads of Theme frameworks warp5 etc. But is there a single Theme framework OR some framework with which I can rapidly develop wireframes and prototypes for new website being created. I primarily use 960Gs for the css stuff. but this isn't a consideration for the theme framework you suggest. I am open to suggestions on the Css parts too.
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如果您使用的是非常容易主题化的 JQueryUI http://jqueryui.com/themeroller
If you were using JQueryUI that is pretty easily themeable http://jqueryui.com/themeroller