使用 FMOD 将输出保存到磁盘
我正在使用 FMOD 播放一些声音,我想将生成的混音保存到磁盘。
我一直在尝试 system->recordStart(0, sound, true) 路径,但这保存了设备的麦克风输入。
I am using FMOD to play some sounds and I would like to save the resulting mix to the disk.
I have been trying the system->recordStart(0, sound, true) path, but that saves the microphone input of the device.
In some way, I would like to redirect the speakers output to the disk
Thank you
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要将发送到扬声器的所有内容重定向到磁盘,只需使用函数 System::setOutput 并传入 FMOD_OUTPUTTYPE_WAVWRITER 值。确保在调用 System::init 之前调用此函数,完成后调用 System::release 并且可执行文件旁边将出现一个 wav 文件。
您还可以通过 System::init extradriverdata 参数传递完整路径来指定输出 wav 文件的名称和位置。
To redirect everything that would go to the speakers to disk simply use the function System::setOutput and pass in a value of FMOD_OUTPUTTYPE_WAVWRITER. Make sure you call this function before you call System::init, when you are done call System::release and a wav file will appear next to your executable.
You can also specify the name and location of the output wav file by passing a full path via the System::init extradriverdata parameter.