从 PDB 文件中检索局部变量名称

发布于 2024-11-10 14:32:58 字数 255 浏览 3 评论 0原文

我目前正在尝试从 IL 字节码和 PDB 文件检索源代码, 我已经可以从 IL 和反射生成源代码了 我知道局部变量名称包含在 pdb 文件中。 我的问题是如何找回它?我应该使用什么库来处理 pdb 文件(如果有)或者我应该自己编写代码?在哪里可以找到有关 pdb 文件格式的信息? 目前在生成的源代码中,我正在使用自动生成的局部变量值,但我想更改它,因为我相信如果您有 pdb 文件可供使用,则可以找到该信息。 我尝试在谷歌上查找,但没有找到任何有用的信息。


i'm currently trying to retrieve source code from IL bytecodes and PDB files,
i'm arrived to the point where i can generate source code from IL and reflection
i know the name of local variable names is included in the pdb file.
My question is how can i find it back ? what libs should i use to handle the pdb files (if any) or should i write the code myself ? where can i find information about pdb file format ?
currently in the generated sourcecode i'm using auto generated values for local variables but i want to change that as i believe it is possible to find that information back if you have pdb files at your disposal.
I tried to look on google but i didnt find any usefull informations.

Thanks in advance for you replies ;)

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我不吻晚风 2024-11-17 14:32:58

以下是如何使用 System.Diagnostics.SymbolStore 中的类型从 MethodInfo 读取局部变量名称:

public class LocalVariableNameReader
    Dictionary<int, string> _names = new Dictionary<int, string> ();

    public string this [int index]
            if (!_names.ContainsKey (index)) return null;
            return _names [index];

    public LocalVariableNameReader (MethodInfo m)
        ISymbolReader symReader = SymUtil.GetSymbolReaderForFile (m.DeclaringType.Assembly.Location, null);
        ISymbolMethod met = symReader.GetMethod (new SymbolToken (m.MetadataToken));
        VisitLocals (met.RootScope);

    void VisitLocals (ISymbolScope iSymbolScope)
        foreach (var s in iSymbolScope.GetLocals ()) _names [s.AddressField1] = s.Name;
        foreach (var c in iSymbolScope.GetChildren ()) VisitLocals (c);

SymUtil 类来自 此示例


很久以前,我一直在研究如何处理 pdb 文件,以便
现在我被 Mike Stall 五年前的帖子难住了
使用.net 4.0读取源代码中的方法体代码
要工作,您必须拥有可用的程序集的 pdb。还
请确保添加对 ISymWrapper 和您的项目的引用
针对 .Net 4.0 框架,而不是 .Net 4.0 客户端。

using System;
using System.Diagnostics.SymbolStore;
using System.IO;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;

namespace PdbTest
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Assembly ass = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly();
            ISymbolReader symreader = SymUtil.GetSymbolReaderForFile(ass.Location, null);

            MethodInfo m = ass.GetType("PdbTest.TestClass").GetMethod("GetStringRepresentation");
            ISymbolMethod met = symreader.GetMethod(new SymbolToken(m.MetadataToken));

            int count = met.SequencePointCount;

            ISymbolDocument[] docs = new ISymbolDocument[count];
            int[] offsets = new int[count];
            int[] lines = new int[count];
            int[] columns = new int[count];
            int[] endlines = new int[count];
            int[] endcolumns = new int[count];

            met.GetSequencePoints(offsets, docs, lines, columns, endlines, endcolumns);

            StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(docs[0].URL);
            string[] linesOfCode = reader.ReadToEnd().Split('n');

            Console.WriteLine("The content of method PdbTest.TestClass.GetStringRepresentation");
            for (int i = lines[0]; i < endlines[count - 1] - 1; i++)

    #region test class

    public enum MyEnum

    public partial class TestClass
        public string GetStringRepresentation(MyEnum e)
            MyEnum e2 = MyEnum.Apples;
            return e.ToString() + e2.ToString();

    #endregion test class

    #region Get a symbol reader for the given module

    // Encapsulate a set of helper classes to get a symbol reader from a file.
    // The symbol interfaces require an unmanaged metadata interface.
    static class SymUtil
        static class NativeMethods
            public static extern int CoCreateInstance(
                [In] ref Guid rclsid,
                [In, MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.IUnknown)] Object pUnkOuter,
                [In] uint dwClsContext,
                [In] ref Guid riid,
                [Out, MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Interface)] out Object ppv);

        // Wrapper.
        public static ISymbolReader GetSymbolReaderForFile(string pathModule, string searchPath)
            return SymUtil.GetSymbolReaderForFile(
                new System.Diagnostics.SymbolStore.SymBinder(), pathModule, searchPath);

        // We demand Unmanaged code permissions because we're reading from the file 
        // system and calling out to the Symbol Reader
        // @TODO - make this more specific.
            Flags = System.Security.Permissions.SecurityPermissionFlag.UnmanagedCode)]
        public static ISymbolReader GetSymbolReaderForFile(
           System.Diagnostics.SymbolStore.SymBinder binder, string pathModule, string searchPath)
            // Guids for imported metadata interfaces.
            Guid dispenserClassID = new Guid(0xe5cb7a31, 0x7512, 0x11d2, 0x89, 
                0xce, 0x00, 0x80, 0xc7, 0x92, 0xe5, 0xd8); // CLSID_CorMetaDataDispenser
            Guid dispenserIID = new Guid(0x809c652e, 0x7396, 0x11d2, 0x97, 0x71, 
                0x00, 0xa0, 0xc9, 0xb4, 0xd5, 0x0c); // IID_IMetaDataDispenser
            Guid importerIID = new Guid(0x7dac8207, 0xd3ae, 0x4c75, 0x9b, 0x67, 
                0x92, 0x80, 0x1a, 0x49, 0x7d, 0x44); // IID_IMetaDataImport

            // First create the Metadata dispenser.
            object objDispenser;
            NativeMethods.CoCreateInstance(ref dispenserClassID, null, 1, 
                ref dispenserIID, out objDispenser);

            // Now open an Importer on the given filename. We'll end up passing this importer 
            // straight through to the Binder.
            object objImporter;
            IMetaDataDispenser dispenser = (IMetaDataDispenser)objDispenser;
            dispenser.OpenScope(pathModule, 0, ref importerIID, out objImporter);

            IntPtr importerPtr = IntPtr.Zero;
            ISymbolReader reader;
                // This will manually AddRef the underlying object, so we need to 
                // be very careful to Release it.
                importerPtr = Marshal.GetComInterfaceForObject(objImporter, 

                reader = binder.GetReader(importerPtr, pathModule, searchPath);
                if (importerPtr != IntPtr.Zero)
            return reader;
    #region Metadata Imports

    // We can use reflection-only load context to use reflection to query for 
    // metadata information rather
    // than painfully import the com-classic metadata interfaces.
    interface IMetaDataDispenser
        // We need to be able to call OpenScope, which is the 2nd vtable slot.
        // Thus we need this one placeholder here to occupy the first slot..
        void DefineScope_Placeholder();

        //STDMETHOD(OpenScope)(                   // Return code.
        //LPCWSTR     szScope,                // [in] The scope to open.
        //  DWORD       dwOpenFlags,            // [in] Open mode flags.
        //  REFIID      riid,                   // [in] The interface desired.
        //  IUnknown    **ppIUnk) PURE;         // [out] Return interface on success.
        void OpenScope([In, MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPWStr)] String szScope, 
            [In] Int32 dwOpenFlags, [In] ref Guid riid, 
            [Out, MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.IUnknown)] out Object punk);

        // Don't need any other methods.

    // Since we're just blindly passing this interface through managed code to the Symbinder, 
    // we don't care about actually importing the specific methods.
    // This needs to be public so that we can call Marshal.GetComInterfaceForObject() on 
    // it to get the underlying metadata pointer.
    public interface IMetadataImport
        // Just need a single placeholder method so that it doesn't complain
        // about an empty interface.
        void Placeholder();

    #endregion Get a symbol reader for the given module

Here's how to read local variable names from a MethodInfo using the types in System.Diagnostics.SymbolStore:

public class LocalVariableNameReader
    Dictionary<int, string> _names = new Dictionary<int, string> ();

    public string this [int index]
            if (!_names.ContainsKey (index)) return null;
            return _names [index];

    public LocalVariableNameReader (MethodInfo m)
        ISymbolReader symReader = SymUtil.GetSymbolReaderForFile (m.DeclaringType.Assembly.Location, null);
        ISymbolMethod met = symReader.GetMethod (new SymbolToken (m.MetadataToken));
        VisitLocals (met.RootScope);

    void VisitLocals (ISymbolScope iSymbolScope)
        foreach (var s in iSymbolScope.GetLocals ()) _names [s.AddressField1] = s.Name;
        foreach (var c in iSymbolScope.GetChildren ()) VisitLocals (c);

The SymUtil class comes from this example.

Edit: The above link is broken. From a google cache:

A long time ago I was looking on how to process pdb files in order to
get additional information that reflection simply could not provide.
Now I stumped over a 5 year old post of Mike Stall
and suddenly all became clear. I’ve put together a small example which
uses .net 4.0 to read the method body code as it is in the source code
from where the assembly was compiled. Mind you that in order for this
to work you have to have the pdb of the assembly available. Also
please make sure you add a refference to ISymWrapper and your project
is targeting .Net 4.0 framework, not .Net 4.0 Client.

using System;
using System.Diagnostics.SymbolStore;
using System.IO;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;

namespace PdbTest
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Assembly ass = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly();
            ISymbolReader symreader = SymUtil.GetSymbolReaderForFile(ass.Location, null);

            MethodInfo m = ass.GetType("PdbTest.TestClass").GetMethod("GetStringRepresentation");
            ISymbolMethod met = symreader.GetMethod(new SymbolToken(m.MetadataToken));

            int count = met.SequencePointCount;

            ISymbolDocument[] docs = new ISymbolDocument[count];
            int[] offsets = new int[count];
            int[] lines = new int[count];
            int[] columns = new int[count];
            int[] endlines = new int[count];
            int[] endcolumns = new int[count];

            met.GetSequencePoints(offsets, docs, lines, columns, endlines, endcolumns);

            StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(docs[0].URL);
            string[] linesOfCode = reader.ReadToEnd().Split('n');

            Console.WriteLine("The content of method PdbTest.TestClass.GetStringRepresentation");
            for (int i = lines[0]; i < endlines[count - 1] - 1; i++)

    #region test class

    public enum MyEnum

    public partial class TestClass
        public string GetStringRepresentation(MyEnum e)
            MyEnum e2 = MyEnum.Apples;
            return e.ToString() + e2.ToString();

    #endregion test class

    #region Get a symbol reader for the given module

    // Encapsulate a set of helper classes to get a symbol reader from a file.
    // The symbol interfaces require an unmanaged metadata interface.
    static class SymUtil
        static class NativeMethods
            public static extern int CoCreateInstance(
                [In] ref Guid rclsid,
                [In, MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.IUnknown)] Object pUnkOuter,
                [In] uint dwClsContext,
                [In] ref Guid riid,
                [Out, MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Interface)] out Object ppv);

        // Wrapper.
        public static ISymbolReader GetSymbolReaderForFile(string pathModule, string searchPath)
            return SymUtil.GetSymbolReaderForFile(
                new System.Diagnostics.SymbolStore.SymBinder(), pathModule, searchPath);

        // We demand Unmanaged code permissions because we're reading from the file 
        // system and calling out to the Symbol Reader
        // @TODO - make this more specific.
            Flags = System.Security.Permissions.SecurityPermissionFlag.UnmanagedCode)]
        public static ISymbolReader GetSymbolReaderForFile(
           System.Diagnostics.SymbolStore.SymBinder binder, string pathModule, string searchPath)
            // Guids for imported metadata interfaces.
            Guid dispenserClassID = new Guid(0xe5cb7a31, 0x7512, 0x11d2, 0x89, 
                0xce, 0x00, 0x80, 0xc7, 0x92, 0xe5, 0xd8); // CLSID_CorMetaDataDispenser
            Guid dispenserIID = new Guid(0x809c652e, 0x7396, 0x11d2, 0x97, 0x71, 
                0x00, 0xa0, 0xc9, 0xb4, 0xd5, 0x0c); // IID_IMetaDataDispenser
            Guid importerIID = new Guid(0x7dac8207, 0xd3ae, 0x4c75, 0x9b, 0x67, 
                0x92, 0x80, 0x1a, 0x49, 0x7d, 0x44); // IID_IMetaDataImport

            // First create the Metadata dispenser.
            object objDispenser;
            NativeMethods.CoCreateInstance(ref dispenserClassID, null, 1, 
                ref dispenserIID, out objDispenser);

            // Now open an Importer on the given filename. We'll end up passing this importer 
            // straight through to the Binder.
            object objImporter;
            IMetaDataDispenser dispenser = (IMetaDataDispenser)objDispenser;
            dispenser.OpenScope(pathModule, 0, ref importerIID, out objImporter);

            IntPtr importerPtr = IntPtr.Zero;
            ISymbolReader reader;
                // This will manually AddRef the underlying object, so we need to 
                // be very careful to Release it.
                importerPtr = Marshal.GetComInterfaceForObject(objImporter, 

                reader = binder.GetReader(importerPtr, pathModule, searchPath);
                if (importerPtr != IntPtr.Zero)
            return reader;
    #region Metadata Imports

    // We can use reflection-only load context to use reflection to query for 
    // metadata information rather
    // than painfully import the com-classic metadata interfaces.
    interface IMetaDataDispenser
        // We need to be able to call OpenScope, which is the 2nd vtable slot.
        // Thus we need this one placeholder here to occupy the first slot..
        void DefineScope_Placeholder();

        //STDMETHOD(OpenScope)(                   // Return code.
        //LPCWSTR     szScope,                // [in] The scope to open.
        //  DWORD       dwOpenFlags,            // [in] Open mode flags.
        //  REFIID      riid,                   // [in] The interface desired.
        //  IUnknown    **ppIUnk) PURE;         // [out] Return interface on success.
        void OpenScope([In, MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPWStr)] String szScope, 
            [In] Int32 dwOpenFlags, [In] ref Guid riid, 
            [Out, MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.IUnknown)] out Object punk);

        // Don't need any other methods.

    // Since we're just blindly passing this interface through managed code to the Symbinder, 
    // we don't care about actually importing the specific methods.
    // This needs to be public so that we can call Marshal.GetComInterfaceForObject() on 
    // it to get the underlying metadata pointer.
    public interface IMetadataImport
        // Just need a single placeholder method so that it doesn't complain
        // about an empty interface.
        void Placeholder();

    #endregion Get a symbol reader for the given module
尬尬 2024-11-17 14:32:58

我看到这个问题是在2011提出的。现在是 2019,有 2 个选项可以从方法中检索局部变量。

首先我们定义 VariableInfo 来保存局部变量参数:

public class VariableInfo : IEquatable<VariableInfo>
    public int Index { get; }
    public string Name { get; }
    public Type Type { get; }

    public VariableInfo(int index, Type type, string name) =>
        (Index, Type, Name) = (index, type, name);

    public override bool Equals(object obj) =>
        Equals(obj as VariableInfo);

    public bool Equals(VariableInfo info) =>
        info != null &&
        Index.Equals(info.Index) &&
        Name.Equals(info.Name) &&

    public override int GetHashCode()
            var hash = 17;
            hash = 23 * hash + Index.GetHashCode();
            hash = 23 * hash + Name.GetHashCode();
            hash = 23 * hash + Type.GetHashCode();
            return hash;

    public override string ToString() =>
        $"Index {Index}, Type {Type}, Name {Name}";

然后我们定义 ILocalsReader 接口如下:

public interface ILocalsReader
    VariableInfo[] Read(MethodBase info);

现在可以用 Microsoft.Samples.Debugging.CorApi 像这样:

public class MicrosoftDebuggingReader : ILocalsReader
    public VariableInfo[] Read(MethodBase info)
        var il = info.GetMethodBody().LocalVariables.ToArray();

        return SymbolAccess
            .GetMethod(new SymbolToken(info.MetadataToken))
            .SelectMany(scope => scope.GetLocals())
            .Select(local =>
                new VariableInfo(local.AddressField1,

其中 GetInnerScopesRecursive是一种扩展方法:

internal static class SymbolScopeExtensions
    public static IEnumerable<ISymbolScope> GetInnerScopesRecursive(this ISymbolScope scope)
        yield return scope;
        foreach (var innerScope in scope.GetChildren()
            .SelectMany(innerScope => innerScope.GetInnerScopesRecursive()))
            yield return innerScope;

记住针对 x64 进行构建。

另一种选择是使用 Mono.Cecil 像这样:

public class MonoCecilReader : ILocalsReader
    public VariableInfo[] Read(MethodBase info)
        var method = info.GetMethodDefinition();

        var pdb = Path.ChangeExtension(info.DeclaringType.Assembly.Location, "pdb");
        new PdbReaderProvider().GetSymbolReader(method.Module, pdb)

        var il = info.GetMethodBody().LocalVariables;
        return Read(method, il);

    public VariableInfo[] Read(MethodDefinition method, IList<LocalVariableInfo> il)
        return method
               .SelectMany(scope => scope.Variables)
               .Select(local =>
                   new VariableInfo(local.Index,

其中 GetMethodDefinition 是扩展方法:

public static class MethodDefinitionExtensions
    public static MethodDefinition GetMethodDefinition(this MethodBase info) =>
        .SelectMany(module => module.GetTypes())
        .Single(type => type.FullNameMatches(info.DeclaringType))
        .FirstOrDefault(method =>
            method.Name.Equals(info.Name) &&
            method.ReturnType.FullName.Equals(info.GetReturnType().FullName) &&
            method.Parameters.Select(parameter => parameter.ParameterType.FullName)
                  .SequenceEqual(info.GetParameters().Select(parameter => parameter.ParameterType.FullName)));

GetReturnType 是扩展方法:

public static class MethodBaseExtensions
    public static Type GetReturnType(this MethodBase method)
        if (method is MethodInfo info)
            return info.ReturnType;

        if (method is ConstructorInfo ctor)
            return typeof(void);

        throw new ArgumentException($"Argument {nameof(method)} has unsupported type {method.GetType()}.");

FullNameMatches 是一个扩展方法:

internal static class TypeDefinitionExtensions
    public static bool FullNameMatches(this TypeDefinition typeDefinition, Type type) =>
        typeDefinition.FullName.Replace("/", "").Equals(type.FullName.Replace("+", ""));

GetInnerScopesRecursive 是一个扩展方法:

internal static class ScopeDebugInformationExtensions
    public static IEnumerable<ScopeDebugInformation> GetInnerScopesRecursive(this ScopeDebugInformation scope)
        yield return scope;
        foreach (var innerScope in scope.Scopes
            .SelectMany(innerScope => innerScope.GetInnerScopesRecursive()))
            yield return innerScope;


class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
        var info = new Action<string>(Foo).GetMethodInfo();

        foreach (var v in new MicrosoftDebuggingReader().Read(info))

        foreach (var v in new MonoCecilReader().Read(info))

    public static void Foo(string s)
        for (int i; ;)
            for (double j; ;)
                for (bool k; ;)
                    for (object m = 0; ;)
                        for (DateTime n; ;) { }


Index 0, Type System.Int32, Name i
Index 1, Type System.Double, Name j
Index 2, Type System.Boolean, Name k
Index 3, Type System.Object, Name m
Index 4, Type System.DateTime, Name n
Index 0, Type System.Int32, Name i
Index 1, Type System.Double, Name j
Index 2, Type System.Boolean, Name k
Index 3, Type System.Object, Name m
Index 4, Type System.DateTime, Name n


  • Microsoft.Samples。 Debugging.CorApi 拥有约 9k 次下载,最后更新于 2011 年 12 月 10 日
  • Mono.Cecil 拥有约 3415k 次下载,最新提交于 2019 年 8 月 5 日

I see the question was asked in 2011. Now it's 2019 and there are 2 options to retrieve local variabls from a method.

First let's define VariableInfo to keep local variable parameters:

public class VariableInfo : IEquatable<VariableInfo>
    public int Index { get; }
    public string Name { get; }
    public Type Type { get; }

    public VariableInfo(int index, Type type, string name) =>
        (Index, Type, Name) = (index, type, name);

    public override bool Equals(object obj) =>
        Equals(obj as VariableInfo);

    public bool Equals(VariableInfo info) =>
        info != null &&
        Index.Equals(info.Index) &&
        Name.Equals(info.Name) &&

    public override int GetHashCode()
            var hash = 17;
            hash = 23 * hash + Index.GetHashCode();
            hash = 23 * hash + Name.GetHashCode();
            hash = 23 * hash + Type.GetHashCode();
            return hash;

    public override string ToString() =>
        $"Index {Index}, Type {Type}, Name {Name}";

Then let's define ILocalsReader interface as folows:

public interface ILocalsReader
    VariableInfo[] Read(MethodBase info);

Now one can implement it with Microsoft.Samples.Debugging.CorApi like this:

public class MicrosoftDebuggingReader : ILocalsReader
    public VariableInfo[] Read(MethodBase info)
        var il = info.GetMethodBody().LocalVariables.ToArray();

        return SymbolAccess
            .GetMethod(new SymbolToken(info.MetadataToken))
            .SelectMany(scope => scope.GetLocals())
            .Select(local =>
                new VariableInfo(local.AddressField1,

Where GetInnerScopesRecursive is an extension method:

internal static class SymbolScopeExtensions
    public static IEnumerable<ISymbolScope> GetInnerScopesRecursive(this ISymbolScope scope)
        yield return scope;
        foreach (var innerScope in scope.GetChildren()
            .SelectMany(innerScope => innerScope.GetInnerScopesRecursive()))
            yield return innerScope;

Remember to build against x64.

Another option is using Mono.Cecil like this:

public class MonoCecilReader : ILocalsReader
    public VariableInfo[] Read(MethodBase info)
        var method = info.GetMethodDefinition();

        var pdb = Path.ChangeExtension(info.DeclaringType.Assembly.Location, "pdb");
        new PdbReaderProvider().GetSymbolReader(method.Module, pdb)

        var il = info.GetMethodBody().LocalVariables;
        return Read(method, il);

    public VariableInfo[] Read(MethodDefinition method, IList<LocalVariableInfo> il)
        return method
               .SelectMany(scope => scope.Variables)
               .Select(local =>
                   new VariableInfo(local.Index,

Where GetMethodDefinition is an extension method:

public static class MethodDefinitionExtensions
    public static MethodDefinition GetMethodDefinition(this MethodBase info) =>
        .SelectMany(module => module.GetTypes())
        .Single(type => type.FullNameMatches(info.DeclaringType))
        .FirstOrDefault(method =>
            method.Name.Equals(info.Name) &&
            method.ReturnType.FullName.Equals(info.GetReturnType().FullName) &&
            method.Parameters.Select(parameter => parameter.ParameterType.FullName)
                  .SequenceEqual(info.GetParameters().Select(parameter => parameter.ParameterType.FullName)));

And GetReturnType is an extension method:

public static class MethodBaseExtensions
    public static Type GetReturnType(this MethodBase method)
        if (method is MethodInfo info)
            return info.ReturnType;

        if (method is ConstructorInfo ctor)
            return typeof(void);

        throw new ArgumentException($"Argument {nameof(method)} has unsupported type {method.GetType()}.");

And FullNameMatches is an extension method:

internal static class TypeDefinitionExtensions
    public static bool FullNameMatches(this TypeDefinition typeDefinition, Type type) =>
        typeDefinition.FullName.Replace("/", "").Equals(type.FullName.Replace("+", ""));

And GetInnerScopesRecursive is an extension method:

internal static class ScopeDebugInformationExtensions
    public static IEnumerable<ScopeDebugInformation> GetInnerScopesRecursive(this ScopeDebugInformation scope)
        yield return scope;
        foreach (var innerScope in scope.Scopes
            .SelectMany(innerScope => innerScope.GetInnerScopesRecursive()))
            yield return innerScope;


class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
        var info = new Action<string>(Foo).GetMethodInfo();

        foreach (var v in new MicrosoftDebuggingReader().Read(info))

        foreach (var v in new MonoCecilReader().Read(info))

    public static void Foo(string s)
        for (int i; ;)
            for (double j; ;)
                for (bool k; ;)
                    for (object m = 0; ;)
                        for (DateTime n; ;) { }


Index 0, Type System.Int32, Name i
Index 1, Type System.Double, Name j
Index 2, Type System.Boolean, Name k
Index 3, Type System.Object, Name m
Index 4, Type System.DateTime, Name n
Index 0, Type System.Int32, Name i
Index 1, Type System.Double, Name j
Index 2, Type System.Boolean, Name k
Index 3, Type System.Object, Name m
Index 4, Type System.DateTime, Name n


  • Microsoft.Samples.Debugging.CorApi has ~9k downloads and was last updated on 10.12.2011
  • Mono.Cecil has ~3415k downloads and latest commit on 05.08.2019
情绪失控 2024-11-17 14:32:58

查看 Codeplex 上的 CCI 项目。它有一个 PDBReader 项目。

Look at the CCI project on Codeplex. It has a PDBReader project.

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