我将在几乎所有浏览器上运行我的小程序几乎至少 14 小时,这将导致浏览器崩溃或挂起。我的小程序基本上会通过 ftp 将文件上传到远程服务器。
我的小程序大小约为 1.5mb。
此致, 萨加尔
I will be running my applet on almost all the browsers for nearly minimum of 14hrs will that cause the browser to crash or hang.My applet will basiclly upload a file to remote server via ftp.
My applet size is about 1.5mb.
Best Regards,
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如果您的 Applet 没有分配太多内存,那么 Applet 或浏览器就没有理由崩溃。标准 Java 堆大小为 64Mb,因此非常舒适。此外,您的应用程序似乎是流内容,不应将其保留在内存中。至于Applet本身的大小,1.5Mb是完全可以的。
话虽这么说,我建议使用 Webstart 应用程序而不是 Applet,因为我在使用 Applet 时遇到了太多问题。插件安装、安全限制等......我尽可能避免使用这种技术。
There's no reason the Applet or the browser should crash if your Applet doesn't allocate too much memory. Standard Java heap size is 64Mb so its quite comfortable. Moreover, your application seems to be streaming content and should not retain it in the memory. As for the size of the Applet itself, 1.5Mb is totally OK.
That being said, I would recommend going to a webstart application instead of Applets, because, well, I've had too many problems with Applets. Plugins installations, security constraints, etc... I try to avoid this technology whenever possible.