ExtJS 4.0、Django 和 ExtDirect
你知道我是否可以将这个 Django Ext.Direct 路由器 与 ExtJS 4.0 一起使用吗?你有什么例子可以让我找到如何做吗?我是 JavaScript 编程新手。
将服务器端表单验证与 ExtJS 集成起来容易吗?文件上传呢?
我可以使用 ExtJS 库绘图(或图表)绘制一个大厅,让客户可以点击空座位并购买门票吗?你知道任何其他 ajax 库可以帮助我更轻松地做到这一点吗?
Do you know if I can use this Django Ext.Direct router with ExtJS 4.0? Do you have any examples where I can find how to do it? I'm new to JavaScript programming.
Will it be easy to integrate server side form validation with ExtJS? What about file upload?
Can I use ExtJS library drawing (or charts) to draw a hall where clients can click on empty seats and purchase a tickets? Do you know any other ajax library that can help me do this easier?
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我们最近从 Ext3 切换到 Ext4(以 Django 作为后端)。
我们的经验涉及 ExtJS 4 API 的更改带来的很多麻烦(特别是在数据网格存储领域)。所有的改变都是合理且良好的,但变化巨大。鉴于上述 GitHub 项目的活动 (2/2010),我判断它几乎 100% 确信它不会与当前版本的 ExtJS 一起工作。
另一方面,ExtJS4 对后端/前端转换有很好的支持(我们摆脱了很多转换)。所以我认为不再需要 Django 路由器了。
这是一个非常特殊的用例,与 ExtJS(或我所知道的任何其他图表库)中的图表方法相去甚远。 ExtJS 图表与数据存储一起显示基本的数字数据。我很确定您需要从头开始编写此内容。
ExtJS 是一个非常复杂的框架。为严肃的事情做好准备。这些人非常了解 JavaScript,并将其付诸实践,就好像它是一种“真正的”面向对象语言(我刚刚写过这个吗 - 为激烈的争论做好准备。;-))。
We recently switched from Ext3 to Ext4 (with Django as backend).
Our experience involved a lot of trouble with changes in the ExtJS 4 API (especially in the area of datagrid stores). All reasonable and good changes but huge. Given the activity of the GitHub project above (2/2010) I would judge it's nearly 100% sure that it will not work with the current version of ExtJS.
On the other hand ExtJS4 has very good support for backend/frontend conversions (we got rid of a lot of conversions). So I assume there is not that much need for the Django router any more.
This is a very special use case and far away form the charting approach in ExtJS (or any other charting lib I know of). ExtJS charts are working with data stores to display basically numerical data. I'm pretty sure you need to write this from scratch.
ExtJS is a very sophisticated framework. Prepare for serious stuff. These guys understand JavaScript very well and put it in action as if it is a "real" object oriented language (did I just wrote this - prepare for flamewars. ;-) ).
Seriously, you need to invest some time to understand their philosophy (but it's worth the effort).