我已经实现了一个示例应用程序,例如 此处。这是一个非常基本的应用程序,只是为了开始使用。在我的本地计算机上的 IIS 中,一切工作正常,我也在我的 IIS Express 上运行它,但现在是棘手的部分。我确实想在 AppHarbor 上托管它,但收到 404 错误。我开始了讨论< /a> 在 AppHarbor 的支持论坛上,他们在运行时截取了错误的屏幕截图。 
由于使用了 StaticFile 处理程序,路由似乎出了问题,但我只是猜测。有人有什么建议吗?
I've implemented a sample app like the one here. It is a really basic app just to get things started. Everything works fine in IIS on my local machine, I've got it running on my IIS Express as well, but now come the tricky part. I do want to host this on AppHarbor, but I get 404 error. I've started a discussion on the support forum of AppHarbor, and they have taken a screen shot of the error when they run it. 
It seems like it is something wrong with the routing since the StaticFile handler is used, but I'm just guessing. Does anyone have any suggestions?
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