Java 多项式复合方法
嘿,我正在用 java 做多项式的复合方法,但遇到了一些问题。到目前为止,这是我的代码,我刚刚迷失了......
public class Polynomial
final static private int mantissa = 52;
final static private double epsilon = Math.pow(2.0, -mantissa);
private double coefficient = 0.0;
private int power = 0;
private Polynomial successor = null;
public Polynomial(double coefficient, int power)
if (Double.isNaN(coefficient))return;
if (Math.abs(coefficient) < epsilon)return;
if (power < 0)return;
this.coefficient = coefficient;
this.power = power;
/* conditions
this(X) => sum(coefficient(i)*X^i:for(i=degree;i>=0;i--)) && X^0=1
this.successor!=null links to terms whose powers uniquely decrease
if (coefficient==NaN) coefficient=0.0
if (abs(coefficient)<epsilon)) coefficient=0.0
if (power<0) power=0
if ( abs(coefficient(0))>=0.0
if (>0) abs(coefficient(i))>=epsilon for all i>=0
private static void add(Polynomial polynomial, double coefficient, int power)
// This part is given to us
if (polynomial == null) return;
if (Math.abs(coefficient) < epsilon) coefficient = 0.0;
if (coefficient == 0.0) return;
if (power < 0) return;
// End of given code.
if (polynomial.coefficient == 0.0)
polynomial.coefficient = coefficient;
polynomial.power = power;
if (polynomial.power == power)
polynomial.coefficient += coefficient;
if (Math.abs(polynomial.coefficient) < epsilon)
polynomial.coefficient = 0.0;
if (polynomial.coefficient != 0.0 || polynomial.power == 0) return;
if (polynomial.successor == null)
polynomial.power = 0;
polynomial.coefficient = polynomial.successor.coefficient;
polynomial.power = polynomial.successor.power;
polynomial.successor = polynomial.successor.successor;
// sets up variables used.
Polynomial old = null;
Polynomial checker = polynomial;
// goes through polynomial looking for the right place.
while (checker != null)
if (checker.power <= power)
break; //breaks the loop
old = checker;
checker = checker.successor;
if (old == null)
Polynomial node = new Polynomial(0.0,0); //creates a new node for insertion
node.coefficient = polynomial.coefficient;
node.power = polynomial.power;
node.successor = polynomial.successor;
polynomial.coefficient = coefficient;
polynomial.power = power;
polynomial.successor = node;
if (checker == null || checker.power < power)
Polynomial node = new Polynomial(0.0,0); //sets a node for insertion
node.coefficient = coefficient;
node.power = power;
node.successor = checker;
old.successor = node;
coefficient += checker.coefficient;
if (Math.abs(coefficient) < epsilon) coefficient = 0.0;
if (coefficient == 0.0)
old.successor = checker.successor;
checker.coefficient = coefficient;
final public int cardinality() {
int count = 1;
Polynomial traverser = this.successor;
while (traverser != null)
traverser = traverser.successor;
return count;
final public Polynomial clone() {
Polynomial result = new Polynomial(0.0, 0);
result.coefficient = this.coefficient;
result.power = this.power;
Polynomial traverserThis = this;
Polynomial traverserResult = result; //THIS METHOD IS GIVEN TO US!
while (traverserThis.successor != null) {
traverserResult.successor = new Polynomial(0.0, 0);
traverserThis = traverserThis.successor;
traverserResult = traverserResult.successor;
traverserResult.coefficient = traverserThis.coefficient;
traverserResult.power = traverserThis.power;
return result;
final public double coefficient(int power) {
if (power < 0) {
return 0.0;
Polynomial traverser = this;
do {
if (traverser.power < power) {
return 0.0;
if (traverser.power == power) { //THIS METHOD IS GIVEN TO US
return traverser.coefficient;
traverser = traverser.successor;
} while (traverser != null);
return 0.0;
//Method done by Callum
final public Polynomial composite(Polynomial that)
if (that == null)
return null;
Polynomial result = new Polynomial(0.0, 0); //the result polynomial
Polynomial current = this.clone(); //current is a copy of 'this' used for moving through
// the loop.
Polynomial tempHolder2 = that;
Polynomial tempHolder = new Polynomial(0.0, 0); //just a temporary holding polynomial
Polynomial thatNew = that.clone(); //another clone used for iteration.
while(current != null)
for( int i = 1; i <= current.power; i++)
tempHolder2 = tempHolder2.times(thatNew);
tempHolder.coefficient = current.coefficient;
tempHolder = tempHolder.times(tempHolder2);
current = current.successor; //Moves to next one
result =; //adds the values?
tempHolder = new Polynomial(0.0,0); //resets it for next use
return result;
final public int degree()
return this.power; //THIS METHOD WAS GIVEN TO US!
//METHOD DONE BY Mitchell Bowie
final public Polynomial differentiate()
Polynomial result = new Polynomial (0.0,0); //The result polynomial
Polynomial polynomial = this; //THIS polynomial. current one being assessed.
if (polynomial.power==0)
result.coefficient = (0.0); //returns 0.0 if its power = 0
return result;
Polynomial temp = new Polynomial (0.0,0); // just a polynomial used to add things up
while (polynomial != null) //goes through the polynomial
temp.coefficient = (polynomial.power*(polynomial.coefficient));
temp.power = (polynomial.power -1);
add (result, temp.coefficient, temp.power); //adds the new values to a polynomial
polynomial = polynomial.successor; //increments the polynomial //named result
return result; //returns the value added in the while loop
final public Polynomial[] dividedBy(Polynomial that)
Polynomial[] polynomials={that};
return polynomials;
final public boolean equals(Polynomial that)
if (that == null) {
return false;
if (this.coefficient != that.coefficient) {
return false;
if (this.power != that.power) {
return false;
if (this.successor == null && that.successor == null) { //THIS METHOD WAS GIVEN TO US!
return true;
if (this.successor == null && that.successor != null) {
return false;
if (this.successor != null && that.successor == null) {
return false;
return this.successor.equals(that.successor);
//Method done by Mitchell
final public double evaluate(double variable)
if (Double.isNaN(variable)) { //THIS IS ALL GIVEN
variable = 0.0;
if (Math.abs(variable) < epsilon) {
variable = 0.0;
double value = 0.0;
Polynomial current = this.clone(); //creates a copy of this
while(current !=null) //goes through the copy until null
if(current.power > 0) //checks if power > 0
value += current.coefficient * Math.pow(variable, current.power);
else //if its not then it will do this!
value += current.coefficient; //adds the coefficient
current = current.successor; //iterates the loop
return value;// returns the value
//Method done by Mitchell and Callum
final public Polynomial integrate()
if (this.coefficient == 0.0)
return new Polynomial(0.0, 0); //Given part
Polynomial result = this.clone(); //why it was called result i dont know but this threw me
//for a long time. -.-
// End of given stuff
Polynomial result2 = new Polynomial(0.0, 0);
Polynomial tempHolder = new Polynomial(0.0, 0); //just holds temp values
tempHolder.coefficient = result.coefficient / (result.power +1);
tempHolder.power = result.power + 1; //adds 1 to the power of result and sets it to
result2 =;
result = result.successor; //iterates the loop
return result2; //returns result2 NOT result -.-
final public Polynomial minus(Polynomial that)
if (that == null) {
return null;
if (this.equals(that)) {
return new Polynomial(0.0, 0);
Polynomial result = this.clone(); //THIS METHOD WAS GIVEN
if (that.coefficient == 0.0) {
return result;
Polynomial traverser = that;
do {
add(result, -traverser.coefficient, traverser.power);
traverser = traverser.successor;
} while (traverser != null);
return result;
final public Polynomial plus(Polynomial that)
if (that == null) {
return null;
if (this.coefficient == 0.0) {
return that.clone();
Polynomial result = this.clone(); //THIS METHOD WAS GIVEN TO US!
if (that.coefficient == 0.0) {
return result;
Polynomial traverser = that;
do {
add(result, traverser.coefficient, traverser.power);
traverser = traverser.successor;
} while (traverser != null);
return result;
final public int powerMax()
int max = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
Polynomial traverser = this;
do {
if (max < traverser.power) { //THIS METHOD WAS GIVEN TO US!
max = traverser.power;
traverser = traverser.successor;
} while (traverser != null);
return max;
final public int powerMin()
int min = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
Polynomial traverser = this;
do {
if (min > traverser.power) { //THIS METHOD WAS GIVEN TO US!
min = traverser.power;
traverser = traverser.successor;
} while (traverser != null);
return min;
//Take current polynomial and times it by that polynomial.
//Uses dual while loops to get the results needed.
final public Polynomial times(Polynomial that)
Polynomial result = new Polynomial (0.0,0);
Polynomial thiss = this;
int count = 0;
if (that == null)return null;
Polynomial newThat = that.clone(); //creates a clone of that
int length = that.cardinality();
if (thiss.coefficient == 0.0)
return result; //if this coefficient is 0.0 return 0.0
if (that.coefficient == 0.0)
return result; //if that coefficient is 0.0 return 0.0
while (thiss != null) //goes through thiss until its null
double thissc = thiss.coefficient; //sets the double to the coefficient
int thissp = thiss.power; //sets the int to the power
while (that !=null) //goes through that until null
double thatc = that.coefficient; //sets the double to that coefficient
int thatp = that.power; //sets the int to that power
double resultc = thissc*thatc; // sets the result double to this coeff times that coeff
int resultp = thissp+thatp; // sets the result int to this power plus that power
if (count == 0) //if its the first value in the result it will just override the values
result.coefficient = resultc; //sets the coeff
result.power = resultp; //sets the power
add(result,resultc, resultp); //adds the values to the result polynomial with add method
count++; //count increase so it doesnt over ride the values
that = that.successor; //iterates the inner loop!
that = newThat; //resets that to the start for next loop iteration!
thiss = thiss.successor; //iterates the loop!
return result; //returns what is in result!
final public String toString()
String string = "" + this.coefficient + (this.power == 0 ? "" : "*X^" + this.power);
Polynomial traverser = this.successor;
while (traverser != null) {
string += (traverser.coefficient > 0.0 ? "+" : "") //THIS METHOD WAS GIVENT TO US!
+ traverser.coefficient
+ (traverser.power == 0 ? "" : "*X^"
+ traverser.power);
traverser = traverser.successor;
return string;
Hey im doing a composite method for polynomials in java and im having some problems. This is my code so far and im just lost...
public class Polynomial
final static private int mantissa = 52;
final static private double epsilon = Math.pow(2.0, -mantissa);
private double coefficient = 0.0;
private int power = 0;
private Polynomial successor = null;
public Polynomial(double coefficient, int power)
if (Double.isNaN(coefficient))return;
if (Math.abs(coefficient) < epsilon)return;
if (power < 0)return;
this.coefficient = coefficient;
this.power = power;
/* conditions
this(X) => sum(coefficient(i)*X^i:for(i=degree;i>=0;i--)) && X^0=1
this.successor!=null links to terms whose powers uniquely decrease
if (coefficient==NaN) coefficient=0.0
if (abs(coefficient)<epsilon)) coefficient=0.0
if (power<0) power=0
if ( abs(coefficient(0))>=0.0
if (>0) abs(coefficient(i))>=epsilon for all i>=0
private static void add(Polynomial polynomial, double coefficient, int power)
// This part is given to us
if (polynomial == null) return;
if (Math.abs(coefficient) < epsilon) coefficient = 0.0;
if (coefficient == 0.0) return;
if (power < 0) return;
// End of given code.
if (polynomial.coefficient == 0.0)
polynomial.coefficient = coefficient;
polynomial.power = power;
if (polynomial.power == power)
polynomial.coefficient += coefficient;
if (Math.abs(polynomial.coefficient) < epsilon)
polynomial.coefficient = 0.0;
if (polynomial.coefficient != 0.0 || polynomial.power == 0) return;
if (polynomial.successor == null)
polynomial.power = 0;
polynomial.coefficient = polynomial.successor.coefficient;
polynomial.power = polynomial.successor.power;
polynomial.successor = polynomial.successor.successor;
// sets up variables used.
Polynomial old = null;
Polynomial checker = polynomial;
// goes through polynomial looking for the right place.
while (checker != null)
if (checker.power <= power)
break; //breaks the loop
old = checker;
checker = checker.successor;
if (old == null)
Polynomial node = new Polynomial(0.0,0); //creates a new node for insertion
node.coefficient = polynomial.coefficient;
node.power = polynomial.power;
node.successor = polynomial.successor;
polynomial.coefficient = coefficient;
polynomial.power = power;
polynomial.successor = node;
if (checker == null || checker.power < power)
Polynomial node = new Polynomial(0.0,0); //sets a node for insertion
node.coefficient = coefficient;
node.power = power;
node.successor = checker;
old.successor = node;
coefficient += checker.coefficient;
if (Math.abs(coefficient) < epsilon) coefficient = 0.0;
if (coefficient == 0.0)
old.successor = checker.successor;
checker.coefficient = coefficient;
final public int cardinality() {
int count = 1;
Polynomial traverser = this.successor;
while (traverser != null)
traverser = traverser.successor;
return count;
final public Polynomial clone() {
Polynomial result = new Polynomial(0.0, 0);
result.coefficient = this.coefficient;
result.power = this.power;
Polynomial traverserThis = this;
Polynomial traverserResult = result; //THIS METHOD IS GIVEN TO US!
while (traverserThis.successor != null) {
traverserResult.successor = new Polynomial(0.0, 0);
traverserThis = traverserThis.successor;
traverserResult = traverserResult.successor;
traverserResult.coefficient = traverserThis.coefficient;
traverserResult.power = traverserThis.power;
return result;
final public double coefficient(int power) {
if (power < 0) {
return 0.0;
Polynomial traverser = this;
do {
if (traverser.power < power) {
return 0.0;
if (traverser.power == power) { //THIS METHOD IS GIVEN TO US
return traverser.coefficient;
traverser = traverser.successor;
} while (traverser != null);
return 0.0;
//Method done by Callum
final public Polynomial composite(Polynomial that)
if (that == null)
return null;
Polynomial result = new Polynomial(0.0, 0); //the result polynomial
Polynomial current = this.clone(); //current is a copy of 'this' used for moving through
// the loop.
Polynomial tempHolder2 = that;
Polynomial tempHolder = new Polynomial(0.0, 0); //just a temporary holding polynomial
Polynomial thatNew = that.clone(); //another clone used for iteration.
while(current != null)
for( int i = 1; i <= current.power; i++)
tempHolder2 = tempHolder2.times(thatNew);
tempHolder.coefficient = current.coefficient;
tempHolder = tempHolder.times(tempHolder2);
current = current.successor; //Moves to next one
result =; //adds the values?
tempHolder = new Polynomial(0.0,0); //resets it for next use
return result;
final public int degree()
return this.power; //THIS METHOD WAS GIVEN TO US!
//METHOD DONE BY Mitchell Bowie
final public Polynomial differentiate()
Polynomial result = new Polynomial (0.0,0); //The result polynomial
Polynomial polynomial = this; //THIS polynomial. current one being assessed.
if (polynomial.power==0)
result.coefficient = (0.0); //returns 0.0 if its power = 0
return result;
Polynomial temp = new Polynomial (0.0,0); // just a polynomial used to add things up
while (polynomial != null) //goes through the polynomial
temp.coefficient = (polynomial.power*(polynomial.coefficient));
temp.power = (polynomial.power -1);
add (result, temp.coefficient, temp.power); //adds the new values to a polynomial
polynomial = polynomial.successor; //increments the polynomial //named result
return result; //returns the value added in the while loop
final public Polynomial[] dividedBy(Polynomial that)
Polynomial[] polynomials={that};
return polynomials;
final public boolean equals(Polynomial that)
if (that == null) {
return false;
if (this.coefficient != that.coefficient) {
return false;
if (this.power != that.power) {
return false;
if (this.successor == null && that.successor == null) { //THIS METHOD WAS GIVEN TO US!
return true;
if (this.successor == null && that.successor != null) {
return false;
if (this.successor != null && that.successor == null) {
return false;
return this.successor.equals(that.successor);
//Method done by Mitchell
final public double evaluate(double variable)
if (Double.isNaN(variable)) { //THIS IS ALL GIVEN
variable = 0.0;
if (Math.abs(variable) < epsilon) {
variable = 0.0;
double value = 0.0;
Polynomial current = this.clone(); //creates a copy of this
while(current !=null) //goes through the copy until null
if(current.power > 0) //checks if power > 0
value += current.coefficient * Math.pow(variable, current.power);
else //if its not then it will do this!
value += current.coefficient; //adds the coefficient
current = current.successor; //iterates the loop
return value;// returns the value
//Method done by Mitchell and Callum
final public Polynomial integrate()
if (this.coefficient == 0.0)
return new Polynomial(0.0, 0); //Given part
Polynomial result = this.clone(); //why it was called result i dont know but this threw me
//for a long time. -.-
// End of given stuff
Polynomial result2 = new Polynomial(0.0, 0);
Polynomial tempHolder = new Polynomial(0.0, 0); //just holds temp values
tempHolder.coefficient = result.coefficient / (result.power +1);
tempHolder.power = result.power + 1; //adds 1 to the power of result and sets it to
result2 =;
result = result.successor; //iterates the loop
return result2; //returns result2 NOT result -.-
final public Polynomial minus(Polynomial that)
if (that == null) {
return null;
if (this.equals(that)) {
return new Polynomial(0.0, 0);
Polynomial result = this.clone(); //THIS METHOD WAS GIVEN
if (that.coefficient == 0.0) {
return result;
Polynomial traverser = that;
do {
add(result, -traverser.coefficient, traverser.power);
traverser = traverser.successor;
} while (traverser != null);
return result;
final public Polynomial plus(Polynomial that)
if (that == null) {
return null;
if (this.coefficient == 0.0) {
return that.clone();
Polynomial result = this.clone(); //THIS METHOD WAS GIVEN TO US!
if (that.coefficient == 0.0) {
return result;
Polynomial traverser = that;
do {
add(result, traverser.coefficient, traverser.power);
traverser = traverser.successor;
} while (traverser != null);
return result;
final public int powerMax()
int max = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
Polynomial traverser = this;
do {
if (max < traverser.power) { //THIS METHOD WAS GIVEN TO US!
max = traverser.power;
traverser = traverser.successor;
} while (traverser != null);
return max;
final public int powerMin()
int min = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
Polynomial traverser = this;
do {
if (min > traverser.power) { //THIS METHOD WAS GIVEN TO US!
min = traverser.power;
traverser = traverser.successor;
} while (traverser != null);
return min;
//Take current polynomial and times it by that polynomial.
//Uses dual while loops to get the results needed.
final public Polynomial times(Polynomial that)
Polynomial result = new Polynomial (0.0,0);
Polynomial thiss = this;
int count = 0;
if (that == null)return null;
Polynomial newThat = that.clone(); //creates a clone of that
int length = that.cardinality();
if (thiss.coefficient == 0.0)
return result; //if this coefficient is 0.0 return 0.0
if (that.coefficient == 0.0)
return result; //if that coefficient is 0.0 return 0.0
while (thiss != null) //goes through thiss until its null
double thissc = thiss.coefficient; //sets the double to the coefficient
int thissp = thiss.power; //sets the int to the power
while (that !=null) //goes through that until null
double thatc = that.coefficient; //sets the double to that coefficient
int thatp = that.power; //sets the int to that power
double resultc = thissc*thatc; // sets the result double to this coeff times that coeff
int resultp = thissp+thatp; // sets the result int to this power plus that power
if (count == 0) //if its the first value in the result it will just override the values
result.coefficient = resultc; //sets the coeff
result.power = resultp; //sets the power
add(result,resultc, resultp); //adds the values to the result polynomial with add method
count++; //count increase so it doesnt over ride the values
that = that.successor; //iterates the inner loop!
that = newThat; //resets that to the start for next loop iteration!
thiss = thiss.successor; //iterates the loop!
return result; //returns what is in result!
final public String toString()
String string = "" + this.coefficient + (this.power == 0 ? "" : "*X^" + this.power);
Polynomial traverser = this.successor;
while (traverser != null) {
string += (traverser.coefficient > 0.0 ? "+" : "") //THIS METHOD WAS GIVENT TO US!
+ traverser.coefficient
+ (traverser.power == 0 ? "" : "*X^"
+ traverser.power);
traverser = traverser.successor;
return string;
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I'd start with a Monomial:
And a unit test, of course:
Then I'd write a Polynomial that had a
as a private data member.Perhaps you want a common interface for the two, since you said Composite. But this is a start.