如果任何模块中存在模拟实例,则在创建 RoboGuice 注入器期间进程会崩溃

发布于 2024-11-09 16:47:17 字数 5582 浏览 7 评论 0原文

我在单元测试中使用 RoboGuice 和 AndroidMock 框架时遇到问题。 我创建了一个简单的项目来展示我的问题。这里我创建了一个模拟实例并将其注册到 RoboGuice 中。 但进程在“setUp()”和“test01()”方法之间崩溃。 正如我猜测的那样,实际上,如果任何模块内部有模拟实例,则在创建注入器时进程会崩溃。




public class testInjectMock extends RoboUnitTestCase<MyApplication> {
    protected void setUp() throws Exception {
        InterfaceToMock instance = AndroidMock.createNiceMock(InterfaceToMock.class);           AndroidMock.expect(instance.SimpleMethod()).andStubReturn("Hello!");            
        MyModule myMockModule = new MyModule();
        myMockModule.setMockedInstance(instance);//Comment this string to get into the test01() method          
    public void test01() {
        //It never comes here


public class MyModule extends AbstractAndroidModule {
        protected InterfaceToMock mockedInstance;
        public void setMockedInstance(InterfaceToMock mockedInstance) {
            this.mockedInstance = mockedInstance;
        protected void configure() {
            if(mockedInstance != null)

logcat 输出:

05-23 16:17:07.135: INFO/DEBUG(27): Build fingerprint: 'generic/sdk/generic/:2.1-update1/ECLAIR/35983:eng/test-keys'
05-23 16:17:07.135: INFO/DEBUG(27): pid: 2025, tid: 2031  >>> InjectMock.test <<<
05-23 16:17:07.145: INFO/DEBUG(27): signal 11 (SIGSEGV), fault addr 00000000
05-23 16:17:07.155: INFO/DEBUG(27):  r0 0011b218  r1 43d1caa0  r2 00000000  r3 00000000
05-23 16:17:07.155: INFO/DEBUG(27):  r4 43d1caa0  r5 0011b218  r6 451c0e30  r7 4000a958
05-23 16:17:07.155: INFO/DEBUG(27):  r8 ad00f380  r9 00138de0  10 426bda34  fp 00138de0
05-23 16:17:07.155: INFO/DEBUG(27):  ip 00000002  sp 451c0dc0  lr ad05ad1d  pc ad05a804  cpsr 00000030
05-23 16:17:07.295: INFO/DEBUG(27):          #00  pc 0005a804  /system/lib/libdvm.so
05-23 16:17:07.305: INFO/DEBUG(27):          #01  pc 0005ad18  /system/lib/libdvm.so
05-23 16:17:07.305: INFO/DEBUG(27):          #02  pc 00054a4a  /system/lib/libdvm.so
05-23 16:17:07.315: INFO/DEBUG(27):          #03  pc 00013f58  /system/lib/libdvm.so
05-23 16:17:07.325: INFO/DEBUG(27):          #04  pc 00019888  /system/lib/libdvm.so
05-23 16:17:07.335: INFO/DEBUG(27):          #05  pc 00018d5c  /system/lib/libdvm.so
05-23 16:17:07.335: INFO/DEBUG(27):          #06  pc 0004d6d0  /system/lib/libdvm.so
05-23 16:17:07.345: INFO/DEBUG(27):          #07  pc 0004d702  /system/lib/libdvm.so
05-23 16:17:07.355: INFO/DEBUG(27):          #08  pc 00041c78  /system/lib/libdvm.so
05-23 16:17:07.365: INFO/DEBUG(27):          #09  pc 00010000  /system/lib/libc.so
05-23 16:17:07.365: INFO/DEBUG(27):          #10  pc 0000fad4  /system/lib/libc.so
05-23 16:17:07.375: INFO/DEBUG(27): code around pc:
05-23 16:17:07.385: INFO/DEBUG(27): ad05a7f4 ffff5ae0 fffe57c4 6801b5f8 6a8b1c05 
05-23 16:17:07.385: INFO/DEBUG(27): ad05a804 1c30681e ff5ef7ff 28001c04 6840d018 
05-23 16:17:07.395: INFO/DEBUG(27): ad05a814 d0152800 37101c27 d0112f00 f7ff1c28 
05-23 16:17:07.395: INFO/DEBUG(27): code around lr:
05-23 16:17:07.405: INFO/DEBUG(27): ad05ad0c f7ff1c20 bd10ff7b 6804b510 fd70f7ff 
05-23 16:17:07.405: INFO/DEBUG(27): ad05ad1c 28001c01 f7ffd102 e002f859 f7ff1c20 
05-23 16:17:07.415: INFO/DEBUG(27): ad05ad2c bd10ff6d 4c24b5f0 1c0d1c06 48236a81 
05-23 16:17:07.425: INFO/DEBUG(27): stack:
05-23 16:17:07.425: INFO/DEBUG(27):     451c0d80  43d20870  /dev/ashmem/mspace/dalvik-heap/2 (deleted)
05-23 16:17:07.425: INFO/DEBUG(27):     451c0d84  00000354  
05-23 16:17:07.425: INFO/DEBUG(27):     451c0d88  00000022  
05-23 16:17:07.425: INFO/DEBUG(27):     451c0d8c  ad043693  /system/lib/libdvm.so
05-23 16:17:07.425: INFO/DEBUG(27):     451c0d90  ad07ff50  /system/lib/libdvm.so
05-23 16:17:07.425: INFO/DEBUG(27):     451c0d94  00000024  
05-23 16:17:07.425: INFO/DEBUG(27):     451c0d98  00000354  
05-23 16:17:07.425: INFO/DEBUG(27):     451c0d9c  ad0170ac  /system/lib/libdvm.so
05-23 16:17:07.425: INFO/DEBUG(27):     451c0da0  00000000  
05-23 16:17:07.435: INFO/DEBUG(27):     451c0da4  afe0f2c0  /system/lib/libc.so
05-23 16:17:07.435: INFO/DEBUG(27):     451c0da8  ad080c00  /system/lib/libdvm.so
05-23 16:17:07.435: INFO/DEBUG(27):     451c0dac  00000002  
05-23 16:17:07.435: INFO/DEBUG(27):     451c0db0  00000354  
05-23 16:17:07.445: INFO/DEBUG(27):     451c0db4  43d20870  /dev/ashmem/mspace/dalvik-heap/2 (deleted)
05-23 16:17:07.445: INFO/DEBUG(27):     451c0db8  df002777  
05-23 16:17:07.455: INFO/DEBUG(27):     451c0dbc  e3a070ad  
05-23 16:17:07.455: INFO/DEBUG(27): #00 451c0dc0  00000000  
05-23 16:17:07.455: INFO/DEBUG(27):     451c0dc4  43d1caa0  /dev/ashmem/mspace/dalvik-heap/2 (deleted)
05-23 16:17:07.455: INFO/DEBUG(27):     451c0dc8  451c0e38  
05-23 16:17:07.455: INFO/DEBUG(27):     451c0dcc  451c0e30  
05-23 16:17:07.455: INFO/DEBUG(27):     451c0dd0  4000a958  /dev/ashmem/mspace/dalvik-heap/zygote/0 (deleted)
05-23 16:17:07.455: INFO/DEBUG(27):     451c0dd4  ad05ad1d  /system/lib/libdvm.so
05-23 16:17:07.465: INFO/DEBUG(27): #01 451c0dd8  417a0b5c  /data/dalvik-cache/system@[email protected]@classes.dex
05-23 16:17:07.475: INFO/DEBUG(27):     451c0ddc  ad054a4f  /system/lib/libdvm.so

I have a problem with using RoboGuice and AndroidMock frameworks in unit testing.
I've created a simple project to show my problem. Here I create a mocked instance and register it in the RoboGuice.
But the process crashes between the "setUp()" and "test01()" methods.
As I guess, actually the process crashes when the Injector is created, if any module has a mocked instance inside.

If I replace the mocked instance with an instance of a class that implements the interface then everything works fine.

Does anybody know how to fix this problem?

Here is my test code:

public class testInjectMock extends RoboUnitTestCase<MyApplication> {
    protected void setUp() throws Exception {
        InterfaceToMock instance = AndroidMock.createNiceMock(InterfaceToMock.class);           AndroidMock.expect(instance.SimpleMethod()).andStubReturn("Hello!");            
        MyModule myMockModule = new MyModule();
        myMockModule.setMockedInstance(instance);//Comment this string to get into the test01() method          
    public void test01() {
        //It never comes here

Module source code:

public class MyModule extends AbstractAndroidModule {
        protected InterfaceToMock mockedInstance;
        public void setMockedInstance(InterfaceToMock mockedInstance) {
            this.mockedInstance = mockedInstance;
        protected void configure() {
            if(mockedInstance != null)

The logcat output:

05-23 16:17:07.135: INFO/DEBUG(27): Build fingerprint: 'generic/sdk/generic/:2.1-update1/ECLAIR/35983:eng/test-keys'
05-23 16:17:07.135: INFO/DEBUG(27): pid: 2025, tid: 2031  >>> InjectMock.test <<<
05-23 16:17:07.145: INFO/DEBUG(27): signal 11 (SIGSEGV), fault addr 00000000
05-23 16:17:07.155: INFO/DEBUG(27):  r0 0011b218  r1 43d1caa0  r2 00000000  r3 00000000
05-23 16:17:07.155: INFO/DEBUG(27):  r4 43d1caa0  r5 0011b218  r6 451c0e30  r7 4000a958
05-23 16:17:07.155: INFO/DEBUG(27):  r8 ad00f380  r9 00138de0  10 426bda34  fp 00138de0
05-23 16:17:07.155: INFO/DEBUG(27):  ip 00000002  sp 451c0dc0  lr ad05ad1d  pc ad05a804  cpsr 00000030
05-23 16:17:07.295: INFO/DEBUG(27):          #00  pc 0005a804  /system/lib/libdvm.so
05-23 16:17:07.305: INFO/DEBUG(27):          #01  pc 0005ad18  /system/lib/libdvm.so
05-23 16:17:07.305: INFO/DEBUG(27):          #02  pc 00054a4a  /system/lib/libdvm.so
05-23 16:17:07.315: INFO/DEBUG(27):          #03  pc 00013f58  /system/lib/libdvm.so
05-23 16:17:07.325: INFO/DEBUG(27):          #04  pc 00019888  /system/lib/libdvm.so
05-23 16:17:07.335: INFO/DEBUG(27):          #05  pc 00018d5c  /system/lib/libdvm.so
05-23 16:17:07.335: INFO/DEBUG(27):          #06  pc 0004d6d0  /system/lib/libdvm.so
05-23 16:17:07.345: INFO/DEBUG(27):          #07  pc 0004d702  /system/lib/libdvm.so
05-23 16:17:07.355: INFO/DEBUG(27):          #08  pc 00041c78  /system/lib/libdvm.so
05-23 16:17:07.365: INFO/DEBUG(27):          #09  pc 00010000  /system/lib/libc.so
05-23 16:17:07.365: INFO/DEBUG(27):          #10  pc 0000fad4  /system/lib/libc.so
05-23 16:17:07.375: INFO/DEBUG(27): code around pc:
05-23 16:17:07.385: INFO/DEBUG(27): ad05a7f4 ffff5ae0 fffe57c4 6801b5f8 6a8b1c05 
05-23 16:17:07.385: INFO/DEBUG(27): ad05a804 1c30681e ff5ef7ff 28001c04 6840d018 
05-23 16:17:07.395: INFO/DEBUG(27): ad05a814 d0152800 37101c27 d0112f00 f7ff1c28 
05-23 16:17:07.395: INFO/DEBUG(27): code around lr:
05-23 16:17:07.405: INFO/DEBUG(27): ad05ad0c f7ff1c20 bd10ff7b 6804b510 fd70f7ff 
05-23 16:17:07.405: INFO/DEBUG(27): ad05ad1c 28001c01 f7ffd102 e002f859 f7ff1c20 
05-23 16:17:07.415: INFO/DEBUG(27): ad05ad2c bd10ff6d 4c24b5f0 1c0d1c06 48236a81 
05-23 16:17:07.425: INFO/DEBUG(27): stack:
05-23 16:17:07.425: INFO/DEBUG(27):     451c0d80  43d20870  /dev/ashmem/mspace/dalvik-heap/2 (deleted)
05-23 16:17:07.425: INFO/DEBUG(27):     451c0d84  00000354  
05-23 16:17:07.425: INFO/DEBUG(27):     451c0d88  00000022  
05-23 16:17:07.425: INFO/DEBUG(27):     451c0d8c  ad043693  /system/lib/libdvm.so
05-23 16:17:07.425: INFO/DEBUG(27):     451c0d90  ad07ff50  /system/lib/libdvm.so
05-23 16:17:07.425: INFO/DEBUG(27):     451c0d94  00000024  
05-23 16:17:07.425: INFO/DEBUG(27):     451c0d98  00000354  
05-23 16:17:07.425: INFO/DEBUG(27):     451c0d9c  ad0170ac  /system/lib/libdvm.so
05-23 16:17:07.425: INFO/DEBUG(27):     451c0da0  00000000  
05-23 16:17:07.435: INFO/DEBUG(27):     451c0da4  afe0f2c0  /system/lib/libc.so
05-23 16:17:07.435: INFO/DEBUG(27):     451c0da8  ad080c00  /system/lib/libdvm.so
05-23 16:17:07.435: INFO/DEBUG(27):     451c0dac  00000002  
05-23 16:17:07.435: INFO/DEBUG(27):     451c0db0  00000354  
05-23 16:17:07.445: INFO/DEBUG(27):     451c0db4  43d20870  /dev/ashmem/mspace/dalvik-heap/2 (deleted)
05-23 16:17:07.445: INFO/DEBUG(27):     451c0db8  df002777  
05-23 16:17:07.455: INFO/DEBUG(27):     451c0dbc  e3a070ad  
05-23 16:17:07.455: INFO/DEBUG(27): #00 451c0dc0  00000000  
05-23 16:17:07.455: INFO/DEBUG(27):     451c0dc4  43d1caa0  /dev/ashmem/mspace/dalvik-heap/2 (deleted)
05-23 16:17:07.455: INFO/DEBUG(27):     451c0dc8  451c0e38  
05-23 16:17:07.455: INFO/DEBUG(27):     451c0dcc  451c0e30  
05-23 16:17:07.455: INFO/DEBUG(27):     451c0dd0  4000a958  /dev/ashmem/mspace/dalvik-heap/zygote/0 (deleted)
05-23 16:17:07.455: INFO/DEBUG(27):     451c0dd4  ad05ad1d  /system/lib/libdvm.so
05-23 16:17:07.465: INFO/DEBUG(27): #01 451c0dd8  417a0b5c  /data/dalvik-cache/system@[email protected]@classes.dex
05-23 16:17:07.475: INFO/DEBUG(27):     451c0ddc  ad054a4f  /system/lib/libdvm.so

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污味仙女 2024-11-16 16:47:17

不幸的是,如果 RoboGuice 和 RoboGuice 的设置步骤出现问题,单元测试,你可能会得到这种错误。没有神奇的简短答案,而是一组需要严格遵循的步骤。

顺便说一句,您正在使用 RoboGuice 1.1 - AbstractAndroidModule & RoboUnitTest 在 RoboGuice 2.0 中不再存在。 RoboGuice 1.1 已弃用,因此最好的整体解决方案是根据这些说明迁移到最新版本升级到 2.0

但是,以防万一您使用的是 RoboGuice 1.1,请遵循以下一些步骤:

  • 在重构/更改包名称等后,不要生成不一致的生成代码/构建文件。删除生成的代码,执行清理和删除操作。构建,甚至重新创建一个新项目并复制源文件。
  • 将您的应用程序代码放在一个项目中(依赖于 RoboGuice,独立于 Instrumentation/RoboUnitTestCase/AndroidMock)。您的应用程序代码项目在 lib 中包含:guice-2.0-no_aop.jar 和 roboguice-1.1.2.jar。
  • 将单元测试代码放在引用它的另一个项目中(独立于 RoboGuice,独立于 Instrumentation/RoboUnitTestCase/AndroidMock)。此处为开始之前的说明。您的测试代码项目包含在 lib 中:AndroidMockGenerator.jar。
  • 在您的应用程序项目中,您的应用程序 + 模块类如下所示:

    package com.mypackage;
    导入 android.app.Instrumentation;
    导入 android.content.Context;
    公共类 MyApplication 扩展 roboguice.application.RoboApplication {
    静态 MyModule myModule;    
    // 这个构造函数通常由应用程序调用
    // 这个构造函数由单元测试调用。不幸的是,这只是少量 
    // 单元测试需求的“抽象泄漏”到应用程序代码中。
        MyApplication.myModule = 模块;
    公共静态 MyModule getModule() {


    package com.mypackage;
    公共类 MyModule 扩展 roboguice.config.AbstractAndroidModule {
    // 这将被注入
    受保护的 UsefulObject myUsefulInstance;    
        this.myUsefulInstance =有用实例;
    公共 UsefulObject getUsefulObject() {
        返回 this.myUsefulInstance;


  • 在您的测试项目中,您的测试用例类看起来像这样:

    导入 android.test.suitebuilder.annotation.LargeTest;    
    导入 com.mypackage.MyApplication;    
    导入 com.mypackage.MyModule;    
    导入 com.mypackage.UsefulObject;    
    导入 android.test.suitebuilder.annotation.MediumTest;    
    导入 android.test.suitebuilder.annotation.SmallTest;    
    导入 com.google.android.testing.mocking.AndroidMock;    
    导入 roboguice.test.RoboUnitTestCase;
    公共类 TestMyModule 扩展 RoboUnitTestCase; {
    protected void setUp() 抛出异常 {
        UsefulObject 实例 = // new UsefulObjectSimpleImplementation(); 
        MyModule 模拟模块 = new MyModule();
    // 确保使用 @*Test 注释之一并开始
    // 你的测试用例的名称带有“test”


  • 确保对于测试项目,AndroidManifest.xml 文件具有以下条目:

  • 在运行测试之前,请先运行另一个简单的“Hello World”应用程序,确保模拟器已启动并运行正常。成功后,运行您的应用程序。最后,运行您的测试项目。


Unfortunately, if there's an issue with the setup steps for RoboGuice & unit testing, you can get this sort of error. No magic short answer, but rather a set of steps to follow exactly.

BTW, you're using RoboGuice 1.1 - AbstractAndroidModule & RoboUnitTest no longer exist in RoboGuice 2.0. RoboGuice 1.1 is deprecated, so best overall solution is to move to newest version according to these instructions Upgrading to 2.0.

However, just in case you're attached to RoboGuice 1.1, here's some steps to follow:

  • Don't have inconsistent generated code/build files after refactoring/changing package names etc. Delete generated code, do a Clean & Build, even recreate a new project and copy source files in.
  • Have your app code in one project (RoboGuice dependent, Instrumentation/RoboUnitTestCase/AndroidMock independent). You app code project has within lib: guice-2.0-no_aop.jar and roboguice-1.1.2.jar.
  • Have your unit test code in another project that references it (RoboGuice independent, Instrumentation/RoboUnitTestCase/AndroidMock independent). Instructions here Before You Get Started. Your test code project has within lib: AndroidMockGenerator.jar.
  • In your app project, your App + Module classes look something like this:

    package com.mypackage;
    import android.app.Instrumentation;
    import android.content.Context;
    public class MyApplication extends roboguice.application.RoboApplication {
    static MyModule myModule;    
    // this constructor usually called by app
    public MyApplication(Context context) {
    // This constructor called by unit tests.  This is unfortunately small amount of 
    // 'abstraction leakage' of unit test needs into app code.
    public MyApplication(Instrumentation instrumentation) {
    public static void setModule(MyModule module) {
        MyApplication.myModule = module;
    public static MyModule getModule() {
        return MyApplication.myModule;


    package com.mypackage;
    public class MyModule extends roboguice.config.AbstractAndroidModule {
    // this will be injected
    protected UsefulObject myUsefulInstance;    
    public void setUsefulObject(UsefulObject usefulInstance) {
        this.myUsefulInstance = usefulInstance;
    public UsefulObject getUsefulObject() {
        return this.myUsefulInstance;
    protected void configure() {


  • In your test project, your test case class looks something like this:

    import android.test.suitebuilder.annotation.LargeTest;    
    import com.mypackage.MyApplication;    
    import com.mypackage.MyModule;    
    import com.mypackage.UsefulObject;    
     //import com.mypackage.UsefulObjectSimpleImplementation;    
    import android.test.suitebuilder.annotation.MediumTest;    
    import android.test.suitebuilder.annotation.SmallTest;    
    import com.google.android.testing.mocking.AndroidMock;    
    import roboguice.test.RoboUnitTestCase;
    public class TestMyModule extends RoboUnitTestCase<MyApplication> {
    protected void setUp() throws Exception {
        UsefulObject instance = // new UsefulObjectSimpleImplementation(); 
        MyModule mockModule = new MyModule();
    // Make sure you use one of the @*Test annotations AND begin
    // your testcase's name with "test"
    public void test01() {


  • Ensure that for the test project, the AndroidManifest.xml file has the following entry:

   <instrumentation android:name="android.test.InstrumentationTestRunner"
     android:label="Tests for com.mypackage"/>
  • Before running your test, ensure your emulator is started and is running healthily, by running a different, simple "Hello World" app first. When this succeeds, then run your app. Lastly, run your test project.

Should work after this. Best of luck & let me know!

土豪我们做朋友吧 2024-11-16 16:47:17

不幸的是,这是 Android 本身的一个错误。请参阅此处的错误报告。当虚拟机尝试在 代理 上查找注释时崩溃,这就是 AndroidMock 在模拟界面

解决方法是在实现该接口的类的实例中创建,正如您在问题中指出的那样。您可以尝试创建一个实现接口的纯抽象类而不实现任何方法,然后使用 AndroidMock 来模拟该类而不是接口。这应该避免创建代理。

Unfortunately this is a bug in Android itself. See the bug report here. The VM crashes when it tries to look for annotations on a Proxy, which is what AndroidMock uses when mocking an interface.

The workaround is to create in instance of a class that implements the interface, as you pointed out in your question. You could try making a pure abstract class that implements the interface without implementing any methods, then use AndroidMock to mock that class instead of the interface. This should avoid the creation of a Proxy.

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