Jersey 没有看到我的 MessageBodyReader
我尝试将球衣与我自己的 json MessageBodyReader/MessageBodyWriter 一起使用(因为我没有在我的域类上使用 @XmlRootElement... 注释)。
public final class MyGsonMessageBodyHandler implements MessageBodyWriter<Object>, MessageBodyReader<Object> {
Jersey 使用此类作为消息正文编写器(因为它在实现的方法 writeTo 中停在断点处)。然而,它并没有将此类视为 messagebodyreader (即使当我将此类分解为 messagebodyreader/messagebodywriter 的单独实现时,它仍然拒绝使用我的 messagebodyreader)。
final Greeting greeting = resource.path("/greeting")
.queryParam("name", name)
A message body reader for Java class test.Greeting, and Java type class test.Greeting, and MIME media type application/json was not found
我想知道编写自己的 MessageBodyReader 需要什么样的魔法?
I'm trying to use jersey with my own json MessageBodyReader/MessageBodyWriter (as I am not use @XmlRootElement... annotations on my domain classes).
public final class MyGsonMessageBodyHandler implements MessageBodyWriter<Object>, MessageBodyReader<Object> {
Jersey uses this class as messagebodywriter (as it stops at breakpoint in the implemented method writeTo). Hovewer it does not see this class as messagebodyreader (and even when I break up this class to the separate implementations of the messagebodyreader/messagebodywriter it still refuses to use my messagebodyreader).
The testing code looks as follows (jersey-grizzly):
final Greeting greeting = resource.path("/greeting")
.queryParam("name", name)
The error I got looks as follows:
A message body reader for Java class test.Greeting, and Java type class test.Greeting, and MIME media type application/json was not found
I'm wondering what kind of magic is required for writing own MessageBodyReader?
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一段时间后,我找到了问题的根本原因。我的 MessageBodyReader/Writer 实现没问题(而且我可以与 RESTlet 配合使用),但是如果您使用 JerseyTest,请不要忘记将您的 MessageBodyReader/Writer 添加到它的 ClientConfig 中:
否则您的客户端代码将是无法读/写您的 POJO。
After a while I found a root cause of the issue. My implementation of MessageBodyReader/Writer is OK (and I it works fine with RESTlet), but IF YOU USE JerseyTest, DO NOT FORGET TO ADD YOUR MessageBodyReader/Writer to it's ClientConfig:
Otherwise your client code would be unable to read/write your POJOs.
这就是我正在使用的并且它正在工作(目前使用 Jersey 1.8)。
This is what I'm using and it's working (currently with Jersey 1.8).
它返回 true 吗?
I'm not sure if it's your case, but the common mistake is incorrect implementation of
method.Did you implemented it?
Do you stop there, when debugging?
Does it return true?
After trying Alex' solution, this finally worked for me: