解析 Facebook 的 XML 查询响应问题
嘿伙计们! :) 我正在开发一项服务,可以从 Facebook API 捕获点赞数、分享数等。 但有一个问题,因为我从 fqlResponse.getChild() 得到一个空指针异常。
我认为自动检测xmls doctype有问题,所以我手动定义了doctype,但问题仍然存在。也许 facebooks xml 文档类型不正确? 下面是捕获方法:
public void refreshLikesSharesClicksAndTotal() throws JDOMException, IOException {
URL fqlURL = new URL("https://api.facebook.com/method/fql.query?query=select like_count, total_count, share_count, click_count from link_stat where url=\"" + this.url.toString() + "\"");
Document inputXML = new SAXBuilder().build(fqlURL);
DocType docType = new DocType("xml", "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance");
Element fqlResponse = inputXML.getRootElement().getChild("link_stat");
Element likes = fqlResponse.getChild("like_count");
logger.info("Likes: " + likes.getText());
Element shares = fqlResponse.getChild("share_count");
Element clicks = fqlResponse.getChild("click_count");
Element total = fqlResponse.getChild("total_count");
this.likes = Integer.parseInt(likes.getText());
this.shares = Integer.parseInt(shares.getText());
this.clicks = Integer.parseInt(clicks.getText());
this.total = Integer.parseInt(total.getText());
德语问题描述: http://www.java-forum .org/xml-co/118648-problem-beim-parsen-facebook-xml.html
感谢您的帮助! 怀特内克斯
Hey guys! :)
I'm working on a service wich catches the number of likes, shares and so on from the Facebook API.
But there is a problem because i get a nullpointer exception from fqlResponse.getChild().
In my opinion there is a problem with the automatic detection of the xmls doctype, so i defined the doctype manually, but the problem still exists. Maybe the facebooks xml doctype isn't correct?
Here is the catching method:
public void refreshLikesSharesClicksAndTotal() throws JDOMException, IOException {
URL fqlURL = new URL("https://api.facebook.com/method/fql.query?query=select like_count, total_count, share_count, click_count from link_stat where url=\"" + this.url.toString() + "\"");
Document inputXML = new SAXBuilder().build(fqlURL);
DocType docType = new DocType("xml", "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance");
Element fqlResponse = inputXML.getRootElement().getChild("link_stat");
Element likes = fqlResponse.getChild("like_count");
logger.info("Likes: " + likes.getText());
Element shares = fqlResponse.getChild("share_count");
Element clicks = fqlResponse.getChild("click_count");
Element total = fqlResponse.getChild("total_count");
this.likes = Integer.parseInt(likes.getText());
this.shares = Integer.parseInt(shares.getText());
this.clicks = Integer.parseInt(clicks.getText());
this.total = Integer.parseInt(total.getText());
German problem description:
Thanks for help!
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确保使用 %20 和 %22 适当地对 URL 中的空格和双引号进行编码。我已经测试了这段代码,它对我有用。
You can do something like this:-
Make sure you encode the spaces and double quotes in the URL with %20 and %22 appropriately. I have tested this code, and it works for me.
当您调用 getChild 和 %20 & 时,我刚刚插入了“root.getNamespace()”查询中的 %22
It works for me:
I just inserted "root.getNamespace()" when you call getChild and %20 & %22 in the query