Yii Framework - CGridView 对相关列进行排序
表:员工 -- 列:idCompany & 表:公司 -- 列:companyNick
admin.php - 查看
<?php $this->widget('zii.widgets.grid.CGridView', array(
Employee.php - 模型
public function search()
// Warning: Please modify the following code to remove attributes that
// should not be searched.
$criteria=new CDbCriteria;
//Company Relation Search
Thanks in advance to anyone who can help. I've been searching for an answer, but haven't found one yet. I've run into "solutions" that haven't worked that run from 1 line, to re-writing an entire class.
I've got the "grid" to show the relation, and am able to use the search feature. What I can't figure out is the sort feature. The column header becomes non-clickable once the below changes have been made.
This is what I have:
The relation name/label is "company," setup in Employee model.
Table: Employee -- Column: idCompany
Table: Company -- Column: companyNick
admin.php - VIEW
<?php $this->widget('zii.widgets.grid.CGridView', array(
Employee.php - MODEL
public function search()
// Warning: Please modify the following code to remove attributes that
// should not be searched.
$criteria=new CDbCriteria;
//Company Relation Search
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这样,我从相关表中选择单个字段到 order by 子句中,然后按该字段进行排序,您在表达式中创建表联接,在本例中为 -
people.person_id = t.assigned_to< /code> (其中 t 是 yii 提供的表别名)。这也许不是创建 order by 子句的最有效方法,但它确实有效!
I've been having the same problems and in the end solved it this way:
Model Search method:
View file:
This way I'm selecting a single field from the related table into the order by clause and then ordering by that, you create the table join in the expression, in this case it is -
people.person_id = t.assigned_to
(where t is a table alias provided by yii). This is perhaps not the most efficient way to create the order by clause but it works!这似乎是 [yii] 上的一个日常问题。将这些内容从搜索功能中删除,然后将过滤器属性添加到 CGridView 列中,如下所示:
This seems to be a daily question on [yii]. Strip that stuff out of your search function, and add a filter attribute to your CGridView column like so:
Yii 网站 Wiki 页面上也有很好的解释如何执行此操作:
http://www.yiiframework。 com/wiki/281/searching-and-sorting-by-lated-model-in-cgridview/
There is also good explanation how to do this on Yii web site Wiki page:
我喜欢迈克·H 的回答。我还想指出,您可以使用 with() 执行关系查询,然后将 select 设置为 false 以防止实际加载相关模型,而不是输入原始 SQL。您还可以通过传递点符号字符串来在视图中使用相关属性的 attributeLabel,例如:
I like Mike H's answer. I also want to point out that you could, instead of entering the raw SQL, use with() to perform a relational query and then set select to false to prevent actually loading the related models. You can also use the related attribute's attributeLabel in the view by passing the dot-notated string, e.g.,: