防止 SetInterval 重叠
我正在使用 jqFancyTransitions.1.8 (http://workshop.rs/projects/jqfancytransitions/) 并启用了导航。
我遇到的问题是,如果我垃圾点击图像(或者只是点击太早或太晚),效果会变得疯狂(特别是在窗帘效果上) - 这是因为 javascript 间隔重叠并且偏移量超出了同步。
谁能帮我插入 $('#ft-buttons-slideshowHolder').show() && $('#ft-buttons-slideshowHolder').hide() 在正确的位置才能使其正常工作?
* jqFancyTransitions - jQuery plugin
* @version: 1.8 (2010/06/13)
* @requires jQuery v1.2.2 or later
* @author Ivan Lazarevic
* Examples and documentation at: http://www.workshop.rs/projects/jqfancytransitions
* Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses:
* http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php
* http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html
(function ($) {
var opts = new Array;
var level = new Array;
var img = new Array;
var links = new Array;
var titles = new Array;
var order = new Array;
var imgInc = new Array;
var inc = new Array;
var stripInt = new Array;
var imgInt = new Array;
$.fn.jqFancyTransitions = $.fn.jqfancytransitions = function (options) {
init = function (el) {
opts[el.id] = $.extend({}, $.fn.jqFancyTransitions.defaults, options);
img[el.id] = new Array();
links[el.id] = new Array();
titles[el.id] = new Array();
order[el.id] = new Array();
imgInc[el.id] = 0;
inc[el.id] = 0;
params = opts[el.id];
if (params.effect == 'zipper') {
params.direction = 'alternate';
params.position = 'alternate';
if (params.effect == 'wave') {
params.direction = 'alternate';
params.position = 'top';
if (params.effect == 'curtain') {
params.direction = 'alternate';
params.position = 'curtain';
stripWidth = parseInt(params.width / params.strips);
gap = params.width - stripWidth * params.strips;
stripLeft = 0;
$.each($('#' + el.id + ' img'), function (i, item) {
img[el.id][i] = $(item).attr('src');
links[el.id][i] = $(item).next().attr('href');
titles[el.id][i] = $(item).attr('alt') ? $(item).attr('alt') : '';
$('#' + el.id).css({
'background-image': 'url(' + img[el.id][0] + ')',
'width': params.width,
'height': params.height,
'position': 'relative',
'background-position': 'top left'
$('#' + el.id).append("<div class='ft-title' id='ft-title-" + el.id + "' style='position: absolute; bottom:0; left: 0; z-index: 1; color: #fff; background-color: #000; '>" + titles[el.id][0] + "</div>");
if (titles[el.id][imgInc[el.id]]) $('#ft-title-' + el.id).css('opacity', opts[el.id].titleOpacity);
else $('#ft-title-' + el.id).css('opacity', 0);
if (params.navigation) {
$('#ft-buttons-' + el.id).children().first().addClass('ft-button-' + el.id + '-active');
odd = 1;
for (j = 1; j < params.strips + 1; j++) {
if (gap > 0) {
tstripWidth = stripWidth + 1;
} else {
tstripWidth = stripWidth;
if (params.links) $('#' + el.id).append("<a href='" + links[el.id][0] + "' class='ft-" + el.id + "' id='ft-" + el.id + j + "' style='width:" + tstripWidth + "px; height:" + params.height + "px; float: left; position: absolute;outline:none;'></a>");
else $('#' + el.id).append("<div class='ft-" + el.id + "' id='ft-" + el.id + j + "' style='width:" + tstripWidth + "px; height:" + params.height + "px; float: left; position: absolute;'></div>");
$("#ft-" + el.id + j).css({
'background-position': -stripLeft + 'px top',
'left': stripLeft
stripLeft += tstripWidth;
if (params.position == 'bottom') $("#ft-" + el.id + j).css('bottom', 0);
if (j % 2 == 0 && params.position == 'alternate') $("#ft-" + el.id + j).css('bottom', 0);
if (params.direction == 'fountain' || params.direction == 'fountainAlternate') {
order[el.id][j - 1] = parseInt(params.strips / 2) - (parseInt(j / 2) * odd);
order[el.id][params.strips - 1] = params.strips;
odd *= -1;
} else {
order[el.id][j - 1] = j;
$('.ft-' + el.id).mouseover(function () {
opts[el.id].pause = true;
$('.ft-' + el.id).mouseout(function () {
opts[el.id].pause = false;
$('#ft-title-' + el.id).mouseover(function () {
opts[el.id].pause = true;
$('#ft-title-' + el.id).mouseout(function () {
opts[el.id].pause = false;
imgInt[el.id] = setInterval(function () {
}, params.delay + params.stripDelay * params.strips);
$.transition = function (el, direction) {
if (opts[el.id].pause == true) return;
stripInt[el.id] = setInterval(function () {
$.strips(order[el.id][inc[el.id]], el)
}, opts[el.id].stripDelay);
$('#' + el.id).css({
'background-image': 'url(' + img[el.id][imgInc[el.id]] + ')'
if (typeof (direction) == "undefined") imgInc[el.id]++;
else if (direction == 'prev') imgInc[el.id]--;
else imgInc[el.id] = direction;
if (imgInc[el.id] == img[el.id].length) {
imgInc[el.id] = 0;
if (imgInc[el.id] == -1) {
imgInc[el.id] = img[el.id].length - 1;
if (titles[el.id][imgInc[el.id]] != '') {
$('#ft-title-' + el.id).animate({
opacity: 0
}, opts[el.id].titleSpeed, function () {
opacity: opts[el.id].titleOpacity
}, opts[el.id].titleSpeed);
} else {
$('#ft-title-' + el.id).animate({
opacity: 0
}, opts[el.id].titleSpeed);
inc[el.id] = 0;
buttons = $('#ft-buttons-' + el.id).children();
buttons.each(function (index) {
if (index == imgInc[el.id]) {
$(this).addClass('ft-button-' + el.id + '-active');
} else {
$(this).removeClass('ft-button-' + el.id + '-active');
if (opts[el.id].direction == 'random') $.fisherYates(order[el.id]);
if ((opts[el.id].direction == 'right' && order[el.id][0] == 1) || opts[el.id].direction == 'alternate' || opts[el.id].direction == 'fountainAlternate') order[el.id].reverse();
$.strips = function (itemId, el) {
temp = opts[el.id].strips;
if (inc[el.id] == temp) {
$('.ft-' + el.id).attr('href', links[el.id][imgInc[el.id]]);
if (opts[el.id].position == 'curtain') {
currWidth = $('#ft-' + el.id + itemId).width();
$('#ft-' + el.id + itemId).css({
width: 0,
opacity: 0,
'background-image': 'url(' + img[el.id][imgInc[el.id]] + ')'
$('#ft-' + el.id + itemId).animate({
width: currWidth,
opacity: 1
}, 1000);
} else {
$('#ft-' + el.id + itemId).css({
height: 0,
opacity: 0,
'background-image': 'url(' + img[el.id][imgInc[el.id]] + ')'
$('#ft-' + el.id + itemId).animate({
height: opts[el.id].height,
opacity: 1
}, 1000);
$.navigation = function (el) {
$('#' + el.id).append("<a href='#' id='ft-prev-" + el.id + "' class='ft-prev'>Prev</a>");
$('#' + el.id).append("<a href='#' id='ft-next-" + el.id + "' class='ft-next'>Next</a>");
$('#ft-prev-' + el.id).css({
'position': 'absolute',
'top': params.height / 2 - 15,
'left': 0,
'z-index': 1001,
'line-height': '30px',
'opacity': 0.7
}).click(function (e) {
$.transition(el, 'prev');
imgInt[el.id] = setInterval(function () {
}, params.delay + params.stripDelay * params.strips);
$('#ft-next-' + el.id).css({
'position': 'absolute',
'top': params.height / 2 - 15,
'right': 0,
'z-index': 1001,
'line-height': '30px',
'opacity': 0.7
}).click(function (e) {
imgInt[el.id] = setInterval(function () {
}, params.delay + params.stripDelay * params.strips);
$("<div id='ft-buttons-" + el.id + "'></div>").insertAfter($('#' + el.id));
$('#ft-buttons-' + el.id).css({
'text-align': 'right',
'padding-top': 5,
'width': opts[el.id].width
for (k = 1; k < img[el.id].length + 1; k++) {
$('#ft-buttons-' + el.id).append("<a href='#' class='ft-button-" + el.id + "'>" + k + "</a>");
$('.ft-button-' + el.id).css({
'padding': 5
$.each($('.ft-button-' + el.id), function (i, item) {
$(item).click(function (e) {
$.transition(el, i);
imgInt[el.id] = setInterval(function () {
}, params.delay + params.stripDelay * params.strips);
$.fisherYates = function (arr) {
var i = arr.length;
if (i == 0) return false;
while (--i) {
var j = Math.floor(Math.random() * (i + 1));
var tempi = arr[i];
var tempj = arr[j];
arr[i] = tempj;
arr[j] = tempi;
this.each(function () {
$.fn.jqFancyTransitions.defaults = {
width: 500,
height: 332,
strips: 10,
delay: 5000,
stripDelay: 50,
titleOpacity: 0.7,
titleSpeed: 1000,
position: 'alternate',
direction: 'fountainAlternate',
effect: '',
navigation: false,
links: false
I am using jqFancyTransitions.1.8 (http://workshop.rs/projects/jqfancytransitions/) and have the navigation enabled.
The problem I have is that if I spam click through the images (or simply click to early or too late), the effect goes crazy (especially on the curtain effect) - this is because the javascript intervals overlap and the offsets just go out of sync.
I have tried to edit the script to hide and reshow the navigation when a transition is not running, but I couldnt get this working properly, and the navigation would reshow at different intervals, maybe I was putting the code in the wrong place.
Can anyone help me insert $('#ft-buttons-slideshowHolder').show() && $('#ft-buttons-slideshowHolder').hide() in the right place to get this to work?
I was also wondering if anyone using this has had the same problem and constructed any hacks or fixes already, or if anyone is able to provide me with the assistance I require to make a quick fix happen!
Thank you SO community!!
(not my code, just beautified for easy assistance)...
* jqFancyTransitions - jQuery plugin
* @version: 1.8 (2010/06/13)
* @requires jQuery v1.2.2 or later
* @author Ivan Lazarevic
* Examples and documentation at: http://www.workshop.rs/projects/jqfancytransitions
* Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses:
* http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php
* http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html
(function ($) {
var opts = new Array;
var level = new Array;
var img = new Array;
var links = new Array;
var titles = new Array;
var order = new Array;
var imgInc = new Array;
var inc = new Array;
var stripInt = new Array;
var imgInt = new Array;
$.fn.jqFancyTransitions = $.fn.jqfancytransitions = function (options) {
init = function (el) {
opts[el.id] = $.extend({}, $.fn.jqFancyTransitions.defaults, options);
img[el.id] = new Array();
links[el.id] = new Array();
titles[el.id] = new Array();
order[el.id] = new Array();
imgInc[el.id] = 0;
inc[el.id] = 0;
params = opts[el.id];
if (params.effect == 'zipper') {
params.direction = 'alternate';
params.position = 'alternate';
if (params.effect == 'wave') {
params.direction = 'alternate';
params.position = 'top';
if (params.effect == 'curtain') {
params.direction = 'alternate';
params.position = 'curtain';
stripWidth = parseInt(params.width / params.strips);
gap = params.width - stripWidth * params.strips;
stripLeft = 0;
$.each($('#' + el.id + ' img'), function (i, item) {
img[el.id][i] = $(item).attr('src');
links[el.id][i] = $(item).next().attr('href');
titles[el.id][i] = $(item).attr('alt') ? $(item).attr('alt') : '';
$('#' + el.id).css({
'background-image': 'url(' + img[el.id][0] + ')',
'width': params.width,
'height': params.height,
'position': 'relative',
'background-position': 'top left'
$('#' + el.id).append("<div class='ft-title' id='ft-title-" + el.id + "' style='position: absolute; bottom:0; left: 0; z-index: 1; color: #fff; background-color: #000; '>" + titles[el.id][0] + "</div>");
if (titles[el.id][imgInc[el.id]]) $('#ft-title-' + el.id).css('opacity', opts[el.id].titleOpacity);
else $('#ft-title-' + el.id).css('opacity', 0);
if (params.navigation) {
$('#ft-buttons-' + el.id).children().first().addClass('ft-button-' + el.id + '-active');
odd = 1;
for (j = 1; j < params.strips + 1; j++) {
if (gap > 0) {
tstripWidth = stripWidth + 1;
} else {
tstripWidth = stripWidth;
if (params.links) $('#' + el.id).append("<a href='" + links[el.id][0] + "' class='ft-" + el.id + "' id='ft-" + el.id + j + "' style='width:" + tstripWidth + "px; height:" + params.height + "px; float: left; position: absolute;outline:none;'></a>");
else $('#' + el.id).append("<div class='ft-" + el.id + "' id='ft-" + el.id + j + "' style='width:" + tstripWidth + "px; height:" + params.height + "px; float: left; position: absolute;'></div>");
$("#ft-" + el.id + j).css({
'background-position': -stripLeft + 'px top',
'left': stripLeft
stripLeft += tstripWidth;
if (params.position == 'bottom') $("#ft-" + el.id + j).css('bottom', 0);
if (j % 2 == 0 && params.position == 'alternate') $("#ft-" + el.id + j).css('bottom', 0);
if (params.direction == 'fountain' || params.direction == 'fountainAlternate') {
order[el.id][j - 1] = parseInt(params.strips / 2) - (parseInt(j / 2) * odd);
order[el.id][params.strips - 1] = params.strips;
odd *= -1;
} else {
order[el.id][j - 1] = j;
$('.ft-' + el.id).mouseover(function () {
opts[el.id].pause = true;
$('.ft-' + el.id).mouseout(function () {
opts[el.id].pause = false;
$('#ft-title-' + el.id).mouseover(function () {
opts[el.id].pause = true;
$('#ft-title-' + el.id).mouseout(function () {
opts[el.id].pause = false;
imgInt[el.id] = setInterval(function () {
}, params.delay + params.stripDelay * params.strips);
$.transition = function (el, direction) {
if (opts[el.id].pause == true) return;
stripInt[el.id] = setInterval(function () {
$.strips(order[el.id][inc[el.id]], el)
}, opts[el.id].stripDelay);
$('#' + el.id).css({
'background-image': 'url(' + img[el.id][imgInc[el.id]] + ')'
if (typeof (direction) == "undefined") imgInc[el.id]++;
else if (direction == 'prev') imgInc[el.id]--;
else imgInc[el.id] = direction;
if (imgInc[el.id] == img[el.id].length) {
imgInc[el.id] = 0;
if (imgInc[el.id] == -1) {
imgInc[el.id] = img[el.id].length - 1;
if (titles[el.id][imgInc[el.id]] != '') {
$('#ft-title-' + el.id).animate({
opacity: 0
}, opts[el.id].titleSpeed, function () {
opacity: opts[el.id].titleOpacity
}, opts[el.id].titleSpeed);
} else {
$('#ft-title-' + el.id).animate({
opacity: 0
}, opts[el.id].titleSpeed);
inc[el.id] = 0;
buttons = $('#ft-buttons-' + el.id).children();
buttons.each(function (index) {
if (index == imgInc[el.id]) {
$(this).addClass('ft-button-' + el.id + '-active');
} else {
$(this).removeClass('ft-button-' + el.id + '-active');
if (opts[el.id].direction == 'random') $.fisherYates(order[el.id]);
if ((opts[el.id].direction == 'right' && order[el.id][0] == 1) || opts[el.id].direction == 'alternate' || opts[el.id].direction == 'fountainAlternate') order[el.id].reverse();
$.strips = function (itemId, el) {
temp = opts[el.id].strips;
if (inc[el.id] == temp) {
$('.ft-' + el.id).attr('href', links[el.id][imgInc[el.id]]);
if (opts[el.id].position == 'curtain') {
currWidth = $('#ft-' + el.id + itemId).width();
$('#ft-' + el.id + itemId).css({
width: 0,
opacity: 0,
'background-image': 'url(' + img[el.id][imgInc[el.id]] + ')'
$('#ft-' + el.id + itemId).animate({
width: currWidth,
opacity: 1
}, 1000);
} else {
$('#ft-' + el.id + itemId).css({
height: 0,
opacity: 0,
'background-image': 'url(' + img[el.id][imgInc[el.id]] + ')'
$('#ft-' + el.id + itemId).animate({
height: opts[el.id].height,
opacity: 1
}, 1000);
$.navigation = function (el) {
$('#' + el.id).append("<a href='#' id='ft-prev-" + el.id + "' class='ft-prev'>Prev</a>");
$('#' + el.id).append("<a href='#' id='ft-next-" + el.id + "' class='ft-next'>Next</a>");
$('#ft-prev-' + el.id).css({
'position': 'absolute',
'top': params.height / 2 - 15,
'left': 0,
'z-index': 1001,
'line-height': '30px',
'opacity': 0.7
}).click(function (e) {
$.transition(el, 'prev');
imgInt[el.id] = setInterval(function () {
}, params.delay + params.stripDelay * params.strips);
$('#ft-next-' + el.id).css({
'position': 'absolute',
'top': params.height / 2 - 15,
'right': 0,
'z-index': 1001,
'line-height': '30px',
'opacity': 0.7
}).click(function (e) {
imgInt[el.id] = setInterval(function () {
}, params.delay + params.stripDelay * params.strips);
$("<div id='ft-buttons-" + el.id + "'></div>").insertAfter($('#' + el.id));
$('#ft-buttons-' + el.id).css({
'text-align': 'right',
'padding-top': 5,
'width': opts[el.id].width
for (k = 1; k < img[el.id].length + 1; k++) {
$('#ft-buttons-' + el.id).append("<a href='#' class='ft-button-" + el.id + "'>" + k + "</a>");
$('.ft-button-' + el.id).css({
'padding': 5
$.each($('.ft-button-' + el.id), function (i, item) {
$(item).click(function (e) {
$.transition(el, i);
imgInt[el.id] = setInterval(function () {
}, params.delay + params.stripDelay * params.strips);
$.fisherYates = function (arr) {
var i = arr.length;
if (i == 0) return false;
while (--i) {
var j = Math.floor(Math.random() * (i + 1));
var tempi = arr[i];
var tempj = arr[j];
arr[i] = tempj;
arr[j] = tempi;
this.each(function () {
$.fn.jqFancyTransitions.defaults = {
width: 500,
height: 332,
strips: 10,
delay: 5000,
stripDelay: 50,
titleOpacity: 0.7,
titleSpeed: 1000,
position: 'alternate',
direction: 'fountainAlternate',
effect: '',
navigation: false,
links: false
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I agree with Marcus - the code is in dire need of an overhaul and I will be looking for an alternative. I advise the same to anyone that comes across the same problem with the same library as this version is not exactly "stable"