Django 上的 XMPP/Jabber(聊天服务器)
我希望使用 XMPP/Jabber 协议(带有移动客户端)在 Django 中编写一个实时聊天服务器。 Django 将通过 HTTP 处理用户配置文件和收件箱(非实时部分),而实时组件应通过 XMPP。我想知道是否有人有这方面的经验并可以提供一些提示,或者是否有更好的方法来做到这一点(Django + 一些其他框架来处理 XMPP 可能)。提前致谢!
I'm looking to write a real time chat server in Django using XMPP/Jabber protocol (with mobile clients). Django will handle the user profile and inbox (non-real time part) through HTTP while the real time component should go through XMPP. I was wondering if anybody's had experience with this and could provide some tips, or if there is a better way to do this (Django + some other framework to handle XMPP maybe). Thanks in advance!
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或多或少地从头开始编写 XMPP 服务器是一项充满热爱的任务,它需要您付出比您现在预期更多的努力才能完成。请查看此列表,看看是否有您可以贡献的现有项目。
Writing an XMPP server more-or-less from scratch is a task of love that will take you quite a bit more effort to get right than you expect right now. Please look at this list to see if there's an existing project you could contribute to instead.