吉尔曼 + Net_Gearman +视窗
我正在尝试在 Windows 计算机(2003 服务器)上安装 Gearman + Net_Gearman + GearmanManager。
此时,我正确执行了java版本的Job Server(java-gearman-service),安装了PEAR和Net_Gearman包。
- 我需要将 gearman 库添加到 php.ini 吗?如何?
- gearmanmanager“连接”到net_gearman的方法是什么?是否需要将 gearmanmanager 的文件复制到与 net_gearman 相同的目录中(C:\php\PEAR\Net\Gearman)?
- 我如何测试一切是否正常?
谢谢,我真的对此迷失了方向,并且使用 Windows 这是一个很大的障碍:(
I'm trying to install Gearman + Net_Gearman + GearmanManager on a windows machine (2003 server).
At this moment, I executed correctly the java version of the Job Server (java-gearman-service), installed PEAR and the Net_Gearman package.
- Do I need to add gearman library to php.ini? How?
- What is the way to "connect" gearmanmanager to net_gearman? Is it necessary to copy the files of gearmanmanager in the same directory of I thing is net_gearman (C:\php\PEAR\Net\Gearman)?
- How do I test that everything is working fine?
Thanks, I'm really lost with that and work with windows it's a big handicap :(
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GearmanManager 无法在 Windows 上运行 - 因此您在那里无能为力。它使用 PHP 中的 pcntl 扩展,该扩展不适用于 Windows。
您不需要将 PHP_Gearman 添加到 ini 文件中,因为它是一个 PEAR 库。只要它作为常规 PEAR 包安装(默认在 php.ini 中配置的目录中),就可以开始了。否则,您必须将包含 Net/ 的目录添加到您的 include_path 中。
您可以通过从 CLI 运行客户端向 gearman 服务器提交任务来测试一切是否正常工作,然后查看工作进程是否有任何工作要做。我对 java-gearman-service 一无所知,但是可以通过在命令行中添加 -vvvv 将常规 C 守护进程置于“更详细”模式(我忘记了 vs 的数量:更多的 v 等于更多)冗长。
我知道这是一个老问题,但如果有人通过 intarwebs 偶然发现这个问题..
GearmanManager won't work on Windows - so there's not much you can do there. It uses the pcntl extension in PHP, which is not available for Windows.
You do not need to add PHP_Gearman to the ini file, as it's a PEAR library. As long as it's installed as a regular PEAR package (in the directory configured in your php.ini by default), you're good to go. Otherwise you'll have to add the directory containing Net/ to your include_path.
You can test that everything is working fine by submitting a task to a gearman server by running your client from the CLI, and then seeing if your worker process gets any work to do. I don't know anything about the java-gearman-service, but the regular C-daemon can be put into a "more verbose" mode by adding -vvvv to the command line (I forget the number of v-s: more v's equals more verbose.
I know that this is an old question, but if anyone stumbles across this through the intarwebs..
我对 PHP 版本 NET_Gearman 不太了解,但我打赌您会在 google group (http://groups.google.com/group/gearman)。鉴于它是一个纯 PHP 实现,我假设它可以在 Windows 下工作。
PS。我很高兴看到人们正在使用 java-gearman-service :)。
I don't know too much about the PHP version, NET_Gearman, but I'm betting you'll get a faster response at the google group (http://groups.google.com/group/gearman). Given that it is a pure PHP implementation, I'm assuming it'll work under windows.
damn windows...
PS. I'm glad to see people are using the java-gearman-service :).