WriteFile() 块(通过命名管道从 C++ 客户端写入到 C# 服务器)
我被困在这里,请帮忙。 我有一个 C# 命名管道服务器,管道是通过以下方式创建的:
new NamedPipeServerStream(pipeName, PipeDirection.InOut, numThreads);
在 C++ 中,我像这样创建了客户端:
m_hPipe = CreateFile(
strPipeName, // Pipe name
GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE, // Read and write access
0, // No sharing
NULL, // Default security attributes
OPEN_EXISTING, // Opens existing pipe
我编写了一个函数 WriteString() 来将字符串写入管道。该函数大致是这样的:
// Write the length of the string to the pipe (using 2 bytes)
bool bResult = WriteFile(m_hPipe, buf, 2, &cbBytesWritten, NULL);
// Write the string itself to the pipe
bResult = WriteFile(m_hPipe, m_chSend, len, &cbBytesWritten, NULL);
// Flush the buffer
WriteString(_T("hello server!")); // message sent and the server saw it correctly
WriteString(_T("goodbye server!")); // message not sent, coz WriteFile() blocked here
现在的问题是:程序在第二次 WriteString() 调用中的第一个 WriteFile() 调用处被阻塞。 只有当服务器关闭管道时,WriteFile() 调用才会返回错误。
是什么阻止了 WriteFile() 调用?我已经在使用 OVERLAPPED 文件标志。 管道缓冲区已满?我不断从服务器端的管道中读取数据。
I am stuck here, please help.
I have a C# named pipe server, the pipe is created by:
new NamedPipeServerStream(pipeName, PipeDirection.InOut, numThreads);
In C++ I created the client like this:
m_hPipe = CreateFile(
strPipeName, // Pipe name
GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE, // Read and write access
0, // No sharing
NULL, // Default security attributes
OPEN_EXISTING, // Opens existing pipe
I set the pipe type to PIPE_READMODE_BYTE | PIPE_TYPE_BYTE
I wrote a function WriteString() to write a string to the pipe. The function is roughly like this:
// Write the length of the string to the pipe (using 2 bytes)
bool bResult = WriteFile(m_hPipe, buf, 2, &cbBytesWritten, NULL);
// Write the string itself to the pipe
bResult = WriteFile(m_hPipe, m_chSend, len, &cbBytesWritten, NULL);
// Flush the buffer
I made two calls to the function:
WriteString(_T("hello server!")); // message sent and the server saw it correctly
WriteString(_T("goodbye server!")); // message not sent, coz WriteFile() blocked here
Now the problem is: the program is blocked at the first WriteFile() call in the second WriteString() call.
Only when the pipe is closed by the server can the WriteFile() call return with an error.
This is reliably reproducible.
What is blocking the WriteFile() call here? I am already using the OVERLAPPED file flag.
Pipe buffer is full? I keep reading from the pipe on the server side.
Thanks a lot!
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启用异步 I/O。它不会自动使任何操作异步、非阻塞或缓冲。您需要使用
的第 5 个参数 - 传入一个OVERLAPPED
结构,或者在完成时设置一个事件,或者将文件句柄与 I/O 完成端口。FILE_FLAG_OVERLAPPED
enables asynchronous I/O. It does not automatically make any operations asynchronous, non-blocking, or buffered.You need to use the 5th parameter of
– pass in anOVERLAPPED
structure, either with an event to set on completion, or associate the file handle with an I/O Completion Port.