使用我自己的运动数据手动输入 x264?
我正在尝试使用 x264 对流进行编码(通过提供单个图像),但不寻常的是我已经有了一些帧的运动信息。我确切地知道每个帧中哪些区域已被修改,并且我知道帧中发生运动的位置。
有没有办法向 x264 提供我自己的运动信息?我想给它帧中给定区域的运动向量,并以某种方式告诉它帧中的某些区域保证没有任何运动。
我是否需要修改编码器才能执行此操作,或者现有 API 是否支持此操作?
I am trying to encode a stream using x264 (by feeding individual images), but what's unusual is that I already have some motion information for my frames. I know exactly which areas have been modified in each frame, and I know where motion has occurred in the frame.
Is there a way to feed x264 my own motion information? I'd like to give it motion vectors for given areas in the frame, and somehow tell it that certain areas in the frame are guaranteed to not have had any motion in them.
I think this might significantly improve the performance of the encoding (because I'm allowing the codec to completely skip the motion estimation phase), and should also somewhat increase quality in cases where the encoder's motion estimation algos might have missed the motion that actually occurred.
Do I need to modify the encoder in order to do this, or is this supported in the existing API?
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简短回答:不,您无法将运动估计数据输入 x264。
长答案:IIRC,x264 通过输入原始帧来工作,没有额外的数据。为了适应您拥有的运动估计数据,您必须修改 x264 源代码才能完成此操作。
中找到您需要的内容。我不确定有多少 x264 开发人员实际上访问了 Stack Overflow(我知道他们的一位首席开发人员在这里有一个帐户),但您可以尝试通过他们的 IRC 频道或 doom9 论坛上的常用渠道与他们交谈。我希望能为您提供更多信息,但不幸的是我并不是特别熟悉代码库。不过,开发人员总是愿意并且能够帮助任何希望在 x264 上工作的人。
Short answer: No you can't feed in your motion estimation data to x264.
Long Answer: IIRC, x264 does it's work by being fed in the raw frame, with no extra data. To accommodate the motion estimation data you have, you'd have to modify the x264 source code to accomplish this.
You may be able to find what you need within
. I'm not sure how many of the x264 developers actually visit Stack overflow (I know one of their lead developers has an account here) but you can try talking to them through their usual channels on their IRC channel or on the doom9 forums.I wish I could give you more information, but unfortunately I'm not particularly well versed in the code base. The developers are always willing and able to help anyone wishing to work on x264 though.