在 ASP 中进行视频会议流传输,我有哪些选择?
我在网上搜索了一些关于视频会议流媒体的信息,但我仍然觉得我没有掌握其中的窍门。我知道这里有不同的会议服务,我想知道是否可以将其中之一集成/嵌入到 ASP 编写的网站中。
客户要求在其网站上提供网络摄像头视频会议流功能,该功能实际上是用 ASP 编写的。
- 如何构建此视频会议流功能以与 ASP 编写的网站一起使用?
- 是否可以以某种方式将此类 iMeet 站点的视频流功能嵌入到这个 ASP 编写的网站中?
- 是否可以在该 ASP 网站中使用一些 .NET 组件进行流式传输?
- 有什么问题建议也可能有帮助吗? =)
感谢您的帮助! =)
I have searched the Internet and found out some information about video-conference streaming, and still, I feel like I don't get the hang of it. I know there are different meeting services available out here, and I wonder if it is possible to integrate/embed one of them in an ASP written website.
- Videoconference Streaming Solutions Cookbook
- i-meet.com
- iMEET - Your own personal meeting room is waiting
- SO Search Results: Questions Containing 'video streaming asp'
The customer asks for Webcam videoconference streaming feature over his website that is actually written in ASP.
So the questions are:
- How to build this video-conference streaming feature to work with and ASP written Website?
- Is it doable to somehow embed the video streaming capability of such iMeet sites into this ASP written Website?
- Is it doable to use some .NET components for streaming to use within this ASP website?
- Any question suggestions that might help as well? =)
Thanks for your kind help! =)
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Silverlight 4
要接收从流媒体服务器流式传输的内容,需要使用“SingleSourceMultipleTarget”之类的类在特定的 IP 或 URL 和端口上进行订阅(我不太确定这里的类名,我会在需要时进行编辑)找到我所指的确切类名)。
在服务器端,我建议使用 IIS 7 及此处讨论的 SmoothStreaming 功能:IIS 实时平滑流式传输入门。稍后当我再次找到它时,我会添加另一个链接。
最后,使用这些工具应该能够上手。另一个有趣的选择是使用 H264 视频编解码器,然后需要自己将其移植到 .NET,可能使用
类。我还没有在这个方向上进行任何测试。回到经典 ASP,应使用 iFrame 通过底层 Silverlight 应用程序显示流内容。
我希望有一天这会对某人有所帮助,因为它需要大量的研究和阅读! =)
I finally found my answer using
Silverlight 4
and theCaptureSource
class as described in the following links.As for streaming the content, I figured out that I would need a server-side service which broadcasts a received content from another source, let's say another Webcam or the-like. Then, the source being captured is available for broadcast.
To receive the content that is streamed from the streaming server, one needs to subscribe at a specific IP or URL and port using the class like "SingleSourceMultipleTarget" (I ain't exactly sure about the class name here, I'll edit when I find the exact class name that I mean).
On the server-side, I would suggest to use the IIS 7 and over SmoothStreaming capability discussed here: Getting Started with IIS Live Smooth Streaming. I shall add another link later on when I find it again.
Finally, using these tools one should be able to get started. Another interesting option is the use of the H264 video codec, and then one needs to port it to .NET himself probably using the
class. I didn't test anything yet on that direction.Back in the Classic ASP, an iFrame shall be used to display the content of the streaming using the underlying Silverlight application.
I hope this will help someone someday, as it requires hours and hours of research and readings! =)