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Closed 11 years ago.
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我创建了一个库 ActionBarSherlock,它是从 Android 兼容性库扩展而来的,用于实现对所有原生操作栏的支持回到Android 1.6。
该库的主要功能是它模仿 Android 3.0+ 的本机操作栏,并允许您在从 1.6 到当前最新版本 3.1 的所有 Android 版本上与其交互并为其设置主题。上面链接的网站上有示例和文档,可以让您很好地了解它的工作原理。
您还可以查看 GitHub wiki 上的实现页面,了解该库的实际应用。
I have created a library, ActionBarSherlock, which is extended from the Android Compatibility Library to implement support for the native action bar all the way back to Android 1.6.
The key feature of this library is that it mimics the native action bar of Android 3.0+ and allows you to interact with it and theme it on all version of Android from 1.6 up through the current newest version, 3.1. There are samples and documentation on the website linked above which should give you a good idea about how it works.
You can also look on the implementations page on the GitHub wiki for real world applications of the library.
Google IO 2011 应用 就是一个很好的示例,
它可以在低于 3.0 的 Android 版本上运行,如下所述在 Google I/O 2011 会议期间,设计和实现适用于手机和平板电脑的 Android UI。
The Google IO 2011 app is a good example
It runs on versions of Android less than 3.0 as explained during the Google I/O 2011 session, Designing and Implementing Android UIs for Phones and Tablets.
使用 android-actionbar 或 GreenDroid。
Use android-actionbar or GreenDroid.
新的 Android 支持库将 ActionBar 支持重新添加到 API 7。
The new Android support library adds ActionBar support back to API 7.