JUNG 中重叠的顶点标签
首先,我是JUNG的新手。我试图使用 TreeLayout 在 JUNG 中可视化树,但我总是面临顶点标签重叠的问题。当节点和路径数量很多时更是如此。关于如何防止这种重叠有什么想法吗?
First of all, I am new to JUNG. I am trying to visualize trees in JUNG using the TreeLayout, but I am always faced with the issue of overlapping vertex labels. More so when the number of nodes and paths are many. Any ideas as to how to go about preventing such an overlap ?
I am aware of the vertex label renderer, but I did not get far with this either.
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(1) 增加 distx(相邻树叶之间的距离)。这是一个可选的构造函数参数。
(2) 使用 Transformer 来渲染标签,该标签使用标签的子字符串或缩短的表示形式。然后单独设置悬停文本以显示整个标签。
Here are a couple of options:
(1) Increase distx (the distance between adjacent tree leaves). This is an optional constructor argument.
(2) Use a Transformer for the rendered label that uses a substring of the label, or a shortened representation. Then separately set hover text to show the entire label.