Delphi 2009 TListView 更改网格颜色和网格线宽度
我有一个 TListView,ViewStyle 设置为 vsReport。如何更改网格的颜色和网格线的宽度。 D2009 中的网格线有点太粗,我希望与 D5 中的网格线宽度相同。
I have a TListView with ViewStyle set to vsReport. How do you change the color of the grid and the width of the gridlines. The gridlines is a bit too thick in D2009, I want to have the same width as in D5.
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没有任何 Delphi 代码可以绘制这些线。它们是由底层 Windows 公共控制代码绘制的,并且不提供任何指定线条粗细的方法。它们要么打开,要么关闭。如果您发现 Delphi 版本之间的外观不同,那么可能是因为您在不同的 Windows 版本上运行该程序。
There isn't any Delphi code that draws those lines. They're drawn by the underlying Windows common-control code, and that doesn't provide any means of specifying the thickness of the lines. They're either on or off. If you're seeing a different appearance between Delphi versions, then it's probably because you're running the program on different Windows versions.