我想在我的网站中显示按评级排序的项目。 我不想按平均评分显示评分最高的项目。谁能建议一些公式来定义评分最高的项目。
I want to show items in my website sorted by its rating.
I don't want to show highest rated items by the average of rating. Could anyone suggest some formula to define highest rated item.
此外,您可以考虑对其进行标准化,这样它只会在应用的 1 和 100 评级之间产生差异。
You could weight each item's average rating by the number of people who have entered in a rating. This would ensure items with both high number of rating and high average rating would float to the top instead of just items with a singular rating.
Additionally, you could consider normalizing this so it only makes a difference between say 1 and 100 rating applied.
This way run away votes on an item, even with a low average rating, wouldn't end up on the top all the time.
Outside of that, I think you'll need to provide more information on what basis you'd like to indicate an item is a top item. Total views on it, marking it as most popular, could be an option as well.