调试时通过 USB 使用互联网连接 - Android
我正在使用 Eclipse/ADT 在 Android 设备上开发应用程序。我需要的是在调试我的应用程序时通过我的电脑使用网络连接。尽管您可以在 Eclipse 中调试应用程序,但它在正常充电/同步模式下不起作用。当您将连接类型更改为通过 PC 进行网络时,我可以连接到网站,但现在您无法调试您的应用程序,因为 ADT 看不到设备。
这个问题有解决办法吗?不幸的是我无法使用 Wi-Fi :(
I'm developing application on Android device with Eclipse/ADT. What I need is to use network connection through my PC while debuggin my application. It doesn't work in normal Charging/Sync mode, though you can debug your app in Eclipse. When you change connection type to network through PC I can connect to websites but now you can't debug your app as ADT doesn't see device.
Is there any fix or resolution to this problem ? Unfortunately I don't have possibility to use Wi-Fi :(
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* 如果您在 Ubuntu Linux 上进行开发,则需要添加一个规则文件,其中包含要用于开发的每种类型设备的 USB 配置。每个设备制造商使用不同的供应商 ID。下面的示例规则文件显示了如何为单个供应商 ID(HTC 供应商 ID)添加条目。为了支持更多设备,您将需要相同格式的附加行,为 SYSFS{idVendor} 属性提供不同的值。对于其他 ID,请参阅下面的 USB 供应商 ID 表。
1. 以 root 身份登录并创建此文件:/etc/udev/rules.d/51-android.rules。
您可以通过从 SDK platform-tools/ 目录执行 adb devices 来验证您的设备是否已连接。如果已连接,您将看到设备名称列为“设备”。
如果使用 Eclipse,请照常运行或调试。您将看到一个设备选择器对话框,其中列出了可用的模拟器和连接的设备。选择要安装并运行应用程序的设备。
如果使用 Android 调试桥 (adb),您可以发出带有 -d 标志的命令来定位您连接的设备。
USB 供应商 ID
此表提供了在 Linux 上添加 USB 设备支持所需的供应商 ID 的参考。 USB 供应商 ID 是为规则文件中的 SYSFS{idVendor} 属性指定的值,如上面步骤 3 中所述。
公司 USB 供应商 ID
Garmin-华硕 091E
谷歌 18d1
LG 1004
摩托罗拉 22b8
* If you're developing on Ubuntu Linux, you need to add a rules file that contains a USB configuration for each type of device you want to use for development. Each device manufacturer uses a different vendor ID. The example rules files below show how to add an entry for a single vendor ID (the HTC vendor ID). In order to support more devices, you will need additional lines of the same format that provide a different value for the SYSFS{idVendor} property. For other IDs, see the table of USB Vendor IDs, below.
1. Log in as root and create this file: /etc/udev/rules.d/51-android.rules.
You can verify that your device is connected by executing adb devices from your SDK platform-tools/ directory. If connected, you'll see the device name listed as a "device."
If using Eclipse, run or debug as usual. You will be presented with a Device Chooser dialog that lists the available emulator(s) and connected device(s). Select the device upon which you want to install and run the application.
If using the Android Debug Bridge (adb), you can issue commands with the -d flag to target your connected device.
USB Vendor IDs
This table provides a reference to the vendor IDs needed in order to add USB device support on Linux. The USB Vendor ID is the value given to the SYSFS{idVendor} property in the rules file, as described in step 3, above.
Company USB Vendor ID
Acer 0502
Dell 413c
Foxconn 0489
Garmin-Asus 091E
Google 18d1
HTC 0bb4
Huawei 12d1
Kyocera 0482
LG 1004
Motorola 22b8
Nvidia 0955
Pantech 10A9
Samsung 04e8
Sharp 04dd
Sony Ericsson 0fce
ZTE 19D2