基于演示和文档,OpenXava 看起来非常令人印象深刻的框架,用于快速构建 RIA Java 域。如果它真的像它声称的那样好,为什么它不被更多人熟知呢?
我想听听具有 OpenXava 使用实际经验的人的意见。它的优点和缺点是什么?它与 Grails、Roo 和 Play 框架等替代框架相比如何?
Based on the demos and documentation, OpenXava looks very impressive framework for quickly building an RIA from a Java domain. If it's really as good as it claims, why isn't it more well known?
I'd like to hear from people with practical experience of using OpenXava. What are it's strengths and weaknesses? How does it compare with alternatives such as Grails, Roo, and the Play framework?
如果你对这篇内容有疑问,欢迎到本站社区发帖提问 参与讨论,获取更多帮助,或者扫码二维码加入 Web 技术交流群。

如果您选择使用 openxava,那么您必须选择一个门户服务器来部署它。这是复杂的部分,门户非常重。
If you choose to use openxava then you have to choose a portal server in which to deploy it. That's the complicated part, portals are very heavy.
没有必要将其与门户服务器一起使用。甚至下载也与 Tomcat 6.0 捆绑在一起,以便快速入门。
是的,您可以选择使用 Ant 脚本生成 portlet 并部署在 Liferay 等门户服务器中
It is not necessary to use it with a portal server. Even the download comes bundled with Tomcat 6.0 for getting started quickly.
Yes, you have OPTION to generate portlets using the Ant script and deploy in a portal server like Liferay
2 创建项目。
当您想要生成页面但没有为排序或其他自定义提供太多支持时,Spring roo 非常好,而且由于 roo 是基于 OSGi 的,因此更改它需要使用 OSGi 的经验非常丰富,如果您已经为 MVC 搭建了脚手架,Spring Roo 还可以使用 Spring MVC 和 Hibernate。它也创建了很多方面文件。你不需要知道所有这些,但是当涉及到定制时,知道这些可能会让你进入更快的车道(不是真的)
我希望 openXava 得到一些关注并创建 Maven archtype 和某种 shell 脚本来生成 portlet,Open Xava 屏幕也是如此很好,但现在遗憾地放弃了。
It looks so good in demo but I could not get through. These are the steps I have taken.
2 create a project .
when I run the project , I don't see the portal getting generated
Spring roo is quite good when you want to generate the pages but does not give much support for sorting or other customisation, also as roo is OSGi based getting it changed will need very good experience with OSGi, Spring Roo also uses Spring MVC and Hibernate if you have scaffolded for MVC. It does create lot of aspect files too. You need not know all these but when it comes to customization knowing these may put you in fasterlane(not really)
I hope openXava gets some traction and create maven archtype and some kind of shell scripts to generate the portlets, Open Xava screens are way too good but now sadly giving up.
它非常适合快速构建应用程序原型,但用户界面看起来不太精致。它底层使用 JSP,虽然现在已经过时了,但是您可以很快地启动并运行。
它在相当轻量级的 Tomcat 上运行,但为了获得更多功能和更好的外观,可以在 Tomcat 上运行 Liferay 门户,并将 OpenXava 应用程序作为门户中的多个 portlet 上传。 Liferay 文档很好地解释了这一点。
It is great for rapid prototyping an application, but the user interface does not look very polished. It uses JSP underneath, which is now out of fashion, but you can be up and running very quickly.
It runs on a Tomcat which is quite light-weight, but for more functionality and a better look-and-feel, run the Liferay portal on Tomcat and upload the OpenXava application as a number of portlets in the portal. The Liferay documentation is quite good explaining this.
OpenXava 已经足够成熟,并且提供了更丰富的开箱即用的用户界面。
对于另一个,你有开箱即用的基本 CRUD。
不像其他公司那样出名,因为没有像 Grails 和 Roo 这样强大的公司背后支持。
Play 很不错,但与 OpenXava 属于同一类别(由一些不是很大的公司支持)
Had the same question :)
OpenXava is mature enough and is offering a richer User Interface out of the box.
For the other you have basic CRUD out of the box.
The look and feel is OK and I assume is customizable.
Is not so known as the others because does not have such a powerful company behind like Grails and Roo.
Play is nice but is in the same category as OpenXava (backed up by some not very big companies)
They all are good products, so it is a matter of choice.