如何获取 ExtJS Combobox 的选定索引
确定 ExtJS 中组合框中当前所选项目索引的经过认证的方法是什么?
ExtJS 3.x 和 4 之间的执行方式有区别吗?
var combo = new Ext.form.ComboBox(config);
var selectedIndex = combo.selectedIndex; // TODO: Implement
if(selectedIndex > 2) {
// Do something
关于如何将其作为属性添加到 ComboBox 对象的奖励点。
What is the certified way to determine the index of the currently selected item in a ComboBox in ExtJS?
Is there a difference on how to do this between ExtJS 3.x and 4?
var combo = new Ext.form.ComboBox(config);
var selectedIndex = combo.selectedIndex; // TODO: Implement
if(selectedIndex > 2) {
// Do something
Bonus-points for how to add it as a property to the ComboBox-object.
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如果您有一个组合,其中 valueField 是组合商店使用的 id,您可以简单地避免搜索:
If you have a combo where valueField is the id used by the combo's store, you can simply avoid the search:
using this:
我想你必须使用组合商店才能做到这一点。 Combos 有一个私有的 findRecord 方法,可以按属性和值对存储进行简单的搜索。您可以在源代码本身中查看示例(Combo.js 第 1119 行)。
3)您还可以访问视图的 getSelectedIndexes() 但我怀疑这是一个好的解决方案(因为我不确定它始终可用)
I think you'll have to use the combo's store for that. Combos have a private
method that'll do a simple search over the store by property and value. You can see an example in the sourcecode itself (Combo.js line 1119).1) Based on this you could find the selected index this way :
2) Or you could bind yourself to the "select" event which is fired with the combo, the record selected and its index as a parameter.
3) You could also access the view's getSelectedIndexes() but I doubt it's a good solution (in that I'm not sure it's available all the time)
Finally if you want to extend the combobox object I think this should work (if you go with the first solution) :
在 Ext 4.0.2 中,相同的代码如下所示:
Jad,您的 return 语句中缺少右括号...只是认为您应该知道。
In Ext 4.0.2 the same code would look like:
Jad, you're missing a closing parenthesis on your return statement... just thought you should know.