I was having the same problem, looks like the keyboard makes the shortcut Shift-Ctrl-/ and similar ones completely useless (for the slash character) and Aptana does not allow you to change those shortcuts.
I used Ctrl-7 and works for any type of code you are selecting, if you want to un-comment just repeat the command.
It depends on which language you're writing in (is this CSS, Javascript, HTML?)
For Javascript:
Ctrl-/ to add or remove // for a single line of code, or for multiple selected lines.
The standard Java commenting shortcuts are:
Ctrl-/ to add/remove // for a single line of code, or for multiple selected lines.
Ctrl-shift-/ to add /* */ around selected code.
Ctrl-shift-J to add Javadoc comments.
You can always find out shortcuts by hitting Ctrl-shift-l, which will bring up a list of all currently available shortcuts. They will change depending on if you have anything selected, what type of file you're editing, etc. Look for "Add comments", "Toggle block comments", "Toggle JS comments", and so forth.
我遇到了同样的问题,看起来键盘使快捷键 Shift-Ctrl-/ 和类似的快捷键完全无用(对于斜杠字符),并且 Aptana 不允许您更改这些快捷键。
I was having the same problem, looks like the keyboard makes the shortcut Shift-Ctrl-/ and similar ones completely useless (for the slash character) and Aptana does not allow you to change those shortcuts.
I used Ctrl-7 and works for any type of code you are selecting, if you want to un-comment just repeat the command.
这取决于您使用哪种语言编写(这是 CSS、Javascript、HTML?)
对于 Javascript:
标准的 Java 注释快捷键是:
您始终可以通过按 Ctrl-shift-l 查找快捷方式,这将显示所有当前可用快捷方式的列表。它们会根据您是否选择了任何内容、您正在编辑的文件类型等而变化。查找“添加注释”、“切换块注释”、“切换 JS 注释”等。
It depends on which language you're writing in (is this CSS, Javascript, HTML?)
For Javascript:
The standard Java commenting shortcuts are:
You can always find out shortcuts by hitting Ctrl-shift-l, which will bring up a list of all currently available shortcuts. They will change depending on if you have anything selected, what type of file you're editing, etc. Look for "Add comments", "Toggle block comments", "Toggle JS comments", and so forth.
Check Commands > Source > Comments. A number of shortcuts are listed there.