class MyModel ( models.Model ):
name = models.CharField( max_length=50 )
foo = models.CharField( max_length=50 )
def style_foo():
return '<a href="/contract/print/sample/%s/">%s</a>' % (, _( 'View sample' ) )
style_foo.allow_tags = True
style_foo.short_description = _('Style sample')
我正在做一个 CRM 系统,其中有大量的 contrib.admin 模板重载,因此有时更容易编写一两行方法,并在管理模型的 list_display = () 上使用它,而不是仅按顺序重写模板 admin/change_list_result.html更改一行。
is there a better way to handle those functions inside the model?
class MyModel ( models.Model ):
name = models.CharField( max_length=50 )
foo = models.CharField( max_length=50 )
def style_foo():
return '<a href="/contract/print/sample/%s/">%s</a>' % (, _( 'View sample' ) )
style_foo.allow_tags = True
style_foo.short_description = _('Style sample')
I have pretty much overloaded model itself. Those functions makes my model file barely unreadable. I have tens of them. I need those.
I am doing an CRM system with heavy contrib.admin templates overloading, therefore sometimes it easier to write a one or a two line method, and use it on Admin model's list_display = () and not rewrite template admin/change_list_result.html only in order to change one line.
I tried to define model fields in one class and inherit in class with those methods, but this is quite odd.
Do you have any suggestions?
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我不完全确定你想做什么,但这可能会有所帮助。首先,作为一般规则,您不应将信息的格式/显示类型(例如 HTML)放入模型级别。您应该在其他地方格式化 HTML,并设计模型以便返回任何给定对象的 URL。例如:
I'm not entirely sure what you're trying to do, but this might be helpful. First, as a general rule, you shouldn't put formatting/display type of information (such as HTML) into the Model level. You should format the HTML elsewhere, and design the Model so as to return a URL for any given object. For instance:
get_absolute_url 适用于你想做什么?您只需将锚标记卸载到模板中并使用 get_absolute_url() 方法即可获取 url。如果您然后使用 永久链接装饰器 你可以将它直接绑定到你的 url 路由中。对合同/打印/样本视图的 url 进行的任何更改都将自动反映在整个站点中,而无需更新 文件以匹配新的 url 结构。
Would get_absolute_url work for what you're trying to do? You just offload the anchor tag into your template and use the get_absolute_url() method to get the url. If you then use the permalink decorator you can tie it right into your url routing. Any change to your urls for the contract/print/sample view will be automatically reflected throughout your site without having to update your file to match the new url structure.