我在 beagle board xM 上实现了 sift 的项目,结果还不错......但是对于演示部分,我仍然不明白为什么在 sift 中考虑高斯差异而不是选择 LoG(高斯的拉普拉斯算子) )。有人可以给我一个答案,这将对我的演示有很大帮助
i did my project implementing sift on beagle board xM and came out of it OK....but for the presentation part,i still don't understand the reason why difference of Gaussian was considered in sift rather than opting LoG(laplacian of gaussian).can somebody please give me an answer which will greatly help my presentation
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在 LoG 操作中,首先我们拍摄图像并对其进行一些模糊处理。然后求二阶导数,也称为拉普拉斯算子。它定位用于查找关键点的边缘和角点。但二阶导数对噪声极其敏感。模糊可以消除噪声并稳定二阶导数。
因此,进行了一个小的调整,找出模糊的图像并找出图像的差异。这与 LoG 大致相同,但计算简单。
First of all, sorry for the long delay.
In a LoG operation, first we take an image and blur it a bit. Then the second order derivaties are found which is also known as laplacian. It locates the edges and corners which are used for finding keypoints. But the second order derivative is extremely sensitive to noise. The blur smoothes it out the noise and stabilizes the second order derivative.
The whole problem is computationally intensive.
Thus a small tweak is made in which blurred images are found out and the difference of the images is found out. This is approximately the same as LoG but is computationally simple.
Hope I explained the question in the best possible way.