Outlook 2003 编码标准
在为 Outlook 2003 及之前版本设计 html 电子邮件时应牢记哪些 html 编码标准?
我们是否应该完全停止使用 css 而只使用表格属性来进行样式设置?
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这个主题太宽泛,无法用一个答案来回答。您可以在 CampaignMonitor 网站上找到大量资源。您在互联网上找不到更完整的资源:
In short, to answer your direct questions:
This subject is too broad to be answered in a single answer. Great resources can be found on the website of CampaignMonitor. You will not find a single more complete resource on the internet:
Outlook 2003 及更早版本使用与 IE 5 相同的渲染引擎,因此基本上代码就像处于怪异模式一样。在 Outlook 2007 中,他们通过切换到 MS Word 的渲染引擎来极大地削弱了渲染功能,因此请使用 他们为 2007 年制定的标准。
Outlook 2003 and prior used the same rendering engine as IE 5 so basically code like you are in quirks mode. In outlook 2007 they greatly neutered the rendering capabilities by switching to the rendering engine of MS Word, so use the standards they have established for 2007 on.
为了确保您的电子邮件得到最好的接收,只需使用纯文本并附加任何必要的风格化文档。或者,网页链接。 (请注意,某些电子邮件客户端最初拒绝纯文本以外的任何内容,直到用户手动允许)(有关纯文本与 CSS 的更多信息 )
如果纯文本电子邮件不可接受,请继续使用 CSS。内联 CSS 和
标签内的 CSS 在支持方面实际上是相同的。 (参见此处:http://www.campaignmonitor.com/css/)
The shortage of information is due to there being a lack of standards. In a nutshell, everyone does their own thing.
To ensure the very best reception of your email, just use plaintext and attach any necessary stylized documents. Or, a link to a webpage. (Note that some email clients initially refuse to anything but plain text until the user manually permits it) (More information on plain-text vs CSS )
If plain text emails aren't acceptable, then go on right ahead of CSS. In-line CSS and CSS inside the
tags are virtually the same regarding support for them. (See here : http://www.campaignmonitor.com/css/ )