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Closed 13 years ago.
在你的 lighttpd.conf 文件中,找到如下所示的行:
index-file.names = ( "index.php", "index.html", "index.htm", "default.htm", "index.lighttpd.html" )
并去掉 ', "index.lighttpd.html"' 部分,使其看起来像这样:
index-file.names = ("index.php", "index.html", "index.htm", "default.htm")
祝你好运 - 我希望这对你有用!
In your lighttpd.conf file, find the line which looks something like:
And get rid of the ', "index.lighttpd.html"' part, so that it looks like this:
Good luck - I hope that works for you!
文章 0 评论 0
在你的 lighttpd.conf 文件中,找到如下所示的行:
并去掉 ', "index.lighttpd.html"' 部分,使其看起来像这样:
祝你好运 - 我希望这对你有用!
In your lighttpd.conf file, find the line which looks something like:
And get rid of the ', "index.lighttpd.html"' part, so that it looks like this:
Good luck - I hope that works for you!