我是 xCode 开发的新手,正在努力通过配置系统尝试在真实设备上运行 Hello World 应用程序。我完成了所有步骤,一切似乎都很好,但有一件事:
当我在 xCode 管理器中单击我的设备(运行 IOS 4.2.1 的 Iphone 3G)时,软件版本下会显示以下消息: Xcode 无法找到安装此版本的软件映像...
附注我正在使用 xcode 4
更新:好的,我找到了解决方案 ->在信息选项卡中将部署目标设置为 4.2: https://discussions.apple.com/线程/2780316?start=0&tstar
I'm new to xCode development and struggling my way through the provisioning system trying to run a Hello World app on a real device. I went through al steps and everything seems fine but one thing:
When i click my device (Iphone 3G running IOS 4.2.1) in the xCode organizer the following message is displayed under Software Version: Xcode cannot find the software image to install this version...
Also the provisioning profiles show no status in the organizer (both in the library and on the device). On the provisioning portal they have the status active.
I hope someone can help me, thanks!!
ps. i am working with xcode 4
Update: OK, I've found the solution -> set deployment target to 4.2 in info tab: https://discussions.apple.com/thread/2780316?start=0&tstar
在管理器窗口中看到消息“xcode 无法找到安装此版本的软件映像”...这只是一个通知,而不是一个有问题的错误。
如果您无论如何都想消除此消息,我发现可以通过在 iTunes 中运行恢复来做到这一点。该过程的一部分涉及下载一些东西,我认为这是“软件映像”。
但是,正如技术问答QA1569中所解释的< em>“此消息不会阻止您使用该设备进行开发。唯一的影响是无法使用 Xcode 重新安装设备上当前的操作系统。” ...这就是我的想法 经验。返回主 Xcode 窗口,您仍然可以单击“运行”并将应用程序发送到设备来运行。
...假设其他一切设置正常,它将运行,但还有与 Xcode 4.2 和 v4 设备相关的各种其他问题:
正如 Overbeeke 提到的,您应该确保“部署目标”
指出“SDK 版本”通常应保持设置为
最新的(它是您机器上使用的任何 SDK Xcode)
正如 Kenneth Lam 所提到的,在新的 Xcode 中您需要四处走动
iPhone。请按照这些说明添加正确的“架构”armv6 设置。另外,我想指出(根据这个答案进一步向下),有一个名为“所需设备功能”的设置,其中您需要删除“armv7”。这位于您应用程序的 plist 文件中。
我说这一切就像我是专家一样,但我仍然无法让它在 v3.1.3 设备上工作:-)
The message "xcode cannot find the software image to install this version" seen in the organiser window... This is just a notification rather than a problematic error.
If you want to eliminate this message anyway, I found I was able to do this by running restore within iTunes. Part of that process involves downloading some stuff, which I presume is the 'software image'.
But, as explained in Technical Q&A QA1569 "This message does not prevent you from using the device for development purposes. The only effect is the inability to reinstall the OS currently on the device using Xcode." ...and that has been my experience. Back in the main Xcode window you're still able to click 'run' and send the app to the device to run.
...and it will run assuming everything else is set-up OK, but there are various other gotchas related to Xcode 4.2 and v4 devices:
As mentioned by Overbeeke you should ensure the 'deployment target'
of your project is set down to the desired version (the minimum
version of the devices you want to support) Additionally I would
point out that the 'SDK version' should normally remain set to the
latest (it's whatever SDK Xcode on your machine is using)
As mentioned by Kenneth Lam, in the new Xcode you need to frig around
with "armv6/armv7" settings if you want to support earlier models of
iPhone. Follow these instructions to add the right "Architecture" armv6 setting. Additionally I would point out (as per this answer further down) that there is a setting called "Required device capabilities" from which you need to remove 'armv7'. This is in your app's plist file.
I'm saying all this like I'm an expert, but I still can't get it to work on a v3.1.3 device :-)
我认为 Xcode 4 要求您运行最新的 iOS 才能使用该功能,但您不需要它来在设备上安装应用程序。我已经在 iPod Touch 1G(无法升级到 iOS 4.3)上运行了我的应用程序,并且使用与您相同的 iOS,并且它可以正常工作。
我所做的是打开管理器,右键单击左侧窗格中的设备,然后选择“将设备添加到配置文件”,系统会要求您提供 Apple ID(在 xcode 中),然后它将将该设备添加到您的配置文件中,而无需您进行操作离开xcode,比使用在线门户简单得多。
I think Xcode 4 requires that you are running the latest iOS to use that feature, but you don't need it to install apps on a device. I have run my apps on an iPod Touch 1G (which can't be upgraded to iOS 4.3) with the same iOS as you and it worked.
Have you added your device to the provisioning profile?
What I did is opened the organizer, right click on the device on the left pane and select "Add device to provisioning profile" where you will be asked for your Apple ID (within xcode) and it will add the device to your profile without you leaving xcode, much simpler than using the online portal.
Xcode 4.2 默认情况下仅构建armv7 目标。 (运行 IOS 4.2.1 的 Iphone 3G 是 armv6)按照 Nick “警告:iPhone 应用程序应包含 armv6 架构”,即使设置了构建配置
Xcode 4.2 only builds armv7 targets by default. (Iphone 3G running IOS 4.2.1 is armv6) Add armv6 build targets by following these excellent instructions from Nick "Warning: iPhone apps should include an armv6 architecture" even with build config set
只是一个更新,要更新 iOS 部署目标,请在左侧窗格中单击您的项目,即带有蓝色“A”图标的项目。单击构建设置选项卡(不是信息),而不是显示“基本”,而是显示“全部”。 iOS 部署目标位于部署部分。
just an update, to update the iOS deployment target, click your project in the left pane, the one with the blue 'A' icon. click the build settings tab (not info), instead of showing "basic," show "all." iOS deployment target is in the deployment section.
可能有很多事情,但我会确保构建设置中的部署 taget 等于或低于您的 target 。检查项目构建设置中的“部署部分”。默认设置部署为最高的 iOS 版本,如果 ios 版本低于设置的版本,您将无法在该设备上运行该应用程序。
There could be a number of things, but i would make sure that that your deployment taget in build settings is at or below your target . Check the "deployment section" in the build settings of your project. The default sets the deployment to the highest iOS version, if the ios version is below what is set you will not be able to run the app on that device.