示例 1
10, 20 , 30 , 5 , 40 , 50 , 40 , 15
10, 20, 30, 5, 40
50, 40, 15
每个子数组的总和为 105。
示例 2
10, 20, 30, 5, 40, 50, 40, 10
该数组不能分为 2 个总和相等的数组。
How to optimally divide an array into two subarrays so that sum of elements in both subarrays is same, otherwise give an error?
Example 1
Given the array
10, 20 , 30 , 5 , 40 , 50 , 40 , 15
It can be divided as
10, 20, 30, 5, 40
50, 40, 15
Each subarray sums up to 105.
Example 2
10, 20, 30, 5, 40, 50, 40, 10
The array cannot be divided into 2 arrays of an equal sum.
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是数组中的元素数量,TotalSum< /code> 是它们的总和。
后,在集合中搜索恰好等于TotalSum / 2
TotalSum / 2
,并且不属于其创建的元素也等于TotalSum / 2
(TotalSum - TotalSum / 2 = TotalSum / 2
)。这是一个伪多项式解。 AFAIK,这个问题不知道在 P 中。
There exists a solution, which involves dynamic programming, that runs in
, wheren
is the number of elements in the array andTotalSum
is their total sum.The first part consists in calculating the set of all numbers that can be created by adding elements to the array.
For an array of size
, we will call thisT(n)
,(The proof of correctness is by induction, as in most cases of recursive functions.)
Also, remember for each cell in the dynamic matrix, the elements that were added in order to create it.
Simple complexity analysis will show that this is done in
.After calculating
, search the set for an element exactly the size ofTotalSum / 2
.If such an item exists, then the elements that created it, added together, equal
TotalSum / 2
, and the elements that were not part of its creation also equalTotalSum / 2
(TotalSum - TotalSum / 2 = TotalSum / 2
).This is a pseudo-polynomial solution. AFAIK, this problem is not known to be in P.
This is called partition problem. There are optimal solutions for some special cases. However, in general, it is an NP-complete problem.
在其常见变体中,这个问题施加了 2 个约束,并且可以通过更简单的方式来完成。
In its common variant, this problem imposes 2 constraints and it can be done in an easier way.
The algorithm that then works could be:
The following code does the above:
The output:
Ofcourse, if the elements can be combined out-of-order, it does turn into the partition problem with all its complexity.
步骤 5:比较两个子数组的总和,如果相同则返回 true,否则返回 false。
// 这个问题的复杂性在于可能有多种组合,但这个算法有一种独特的方式。
This Problem says that if an array can have two subarrays with their sum of elements as same.
So a boolean value should be returned.
I have found an efficient algorithm :
Algo: Procedure
Step 1: Take an empty array as a container , sort the initial array and keep in the empty one.
Step 2: now take two dynamically allocatable arrays and take out highest and 2nd highest from the auxilliary array and keep it in the two subarrays respectively , and delete from the auxiliary array.
Step 3: Compare the sum of elements in the subarrays , the smaller sum one will have chance to fetch highest remaining element in the array and then delete from the container.
Step 4: Loop thru Step 3 until the container is empty.
Step 5: Compare the sum of two subarrays , if they are same return true else false.
// The complexity with this problem is that there may be many combinations possible but this algo has one unique way .
尝试了不同的解决方案。除了 Wiki 解决方案(分区问题)之外。
我已经测试过。 (它适用于大于 0 的正数)如果有人遇到问题,请告诉我。
Tried a different solution . other than Wiki solutions (Partition Problem).
I have tested. ( It works well with positive number greater than 0) please let me know if any one face issue.
这是问题的递归解决方案,一种非递归解决方案可以使用辅助方法在 for 循环中获取索引 0 到当前索引的总和,另一种解决方案可以获取同一当前索引到最后,有效。现在,如果您想将元素放入数组并比较总和,首先找到标记溢出的点(索引),其中两侧的总和相等,然后获取一个列表并在该索引和另一个列表之前添加值在该索引之后。
This is a recursive solution to the problem, one non recursive solution could use a helper method to get the sum of indexes 0 to a current index in a for loop and another one could get the sum of all the elements from the same current index to the end, which works. Now if you wanted to get the elements into an array and compare the sum, first find the point (index) which marks the spilt where both side's sum are equal, then get a list and add the values before that index and another list to go after that index.
Here's mine (recursion), which only determines if there is a place to split the array so that the sum of the numbers on one side is equal to the sum of the numbers on the other side. Worry about indexOutOfBounds, which can easily happen in recursion, a slight mistake could prove fatal and yield a lot of exceptions and errors.
Found solution here
如果总和为偶数,此 Python3 函数会将数字列表拆分并平衡为两个总和相等的单独列表。
This Python3 function will split and balance a list of numbers to two separate lists equal in sum, if the sum is even.
A non optimal solution in python,
其 O(n) 时间和 O(n) 空间
Its O(n) time and O(n) space
我会将问题设置为二叉树,级别 0 决定元素 0 进入哪个集合,级别 1 决定元素 1 进入哪个集合,依此类推。在任何时候,如果一组的总和是总数的一半,那么你'重新完成-成功。任何时候,如果一组的总和超过总数的一半,则该子树失败,您必须备份。这时候就是一个树遍历问题了。
First, if the elements are integers, check that the total is evenly divisible by two- if it isn't success isn't possible.
I would set up the problem as a binary tree, with level 0 deciding which set element 0 goes into, level 1 deciding which set element 1 goes into, etc. At any time if the sum of one set is half the total, you're done- success. At any time if the sum of one set is more than half the total, that sub-tree is a failure and you have to back up. At that point it is a tree traversal problem.
// 贪婪方法 //
// The Greedy approach //
假设数组 A = {45,10,10,10,10,5}
然后,分割将在索引 = 1(基于 0 的索引)处进行,这样我们就有两个相等的总和集 {45} 和 {10,10,10,10,5}
将两个索引指针移向数组的中间,直到 currentRightIndex != currentLeftIndex。如果左侧元素之和仍然小于或等于'rightIndex'右侧元素之和,则增加leftIndex。最后,检查是否leftSum == rightSum。如果为 true,我们得到的索引为 currentLeftIndex+1(或简单地 currentRightIndex,因为在这种情况下 currentRightIndex 将等于 currentLeftIndex+1)。
I was asked this question in an interview, and I gave below simple solution, as I had NOT seen this problem in any websiteS earlier.
Lets say Array A = {45,10,10,10,10,5}
Then, the split will be at index = 1 (0-based index) so that we have two equal sum set {45} and {10,10,10,10,5}
Move the two index pointers towards mid of the array untill currentRightIndex != currentLeftIndex. Increase leftIndex if sum of left elements is still less than or equal to sum of elements in right of 'rightIndex'.At the end,check if leftSum == rightSum. If true, we got the index as currentLeftIndex+1(or simply currentRightIndex, as currentRightIndex will be equal to currentLeftIndex+1 in this case).
@Gal Subset-Sum 问题是 NP 完全问题,并且具有 O(n*TotalSum) 伪多项式动态规划算法。但这个问题不是NP完全问题。这是一个特殊情况,实际上可以在线性时间内解决。
@Gal Subset-Sum problem is NP-Complete and has a O(n*TotalSum) pseudo-polynomial Dynamic Programming algorithm. But this problem is not NP-Complete. This is a special case and in fact this can be solved in linear time.
Here we are looking for an index where we can split the array into two parts with same sum.
Check following code.
Analysis: O(n), as the algorithm only iterates through the array and does not use TotalSum.
步骤 1) 将数组分成两部分
步骤 3) 将 array1 中的一个元素与 array2 交换,遵循以下四个规则:
如果 array1 中的元素之和小于 array2 中的元素之和
在 array1 中找到一个小于 array2 中的数字,方法是交换
这些元素不会将 array1 的总和增加到超出预期总和。如果找到,则交换
这样 array1 和 array2 中任意两个数的差不小于
在 array1 中找到一个比 array2 中的数字大的数字,通过交换这些数字
元素,不要将 array1 的总和减少到超出预期总和。如果找到,则交换
这样 array1 和 array2 中任意两个数的差不小于
步骤 5) 转到步骤 2,直到交换结果得到一个已遇到相同元素集的数组
Setp 6) 如果发生重复,则该数组不能分成总和相等的两半。当前的数组集合或在此重复之前形成的数组应该是数组的最佳分割。
java 程序位于 Java 代码
Step 1) Split the array into two
Step 2) If the sum is equal, split is complete
Step 3) Swap one element from array1 with array2, guided by the four rules:
IF the sum of elements in array1 is less than sum of elements in array2
Find a number in array1 that is smaller than a number in array2 in such a way that swapping of
these elements, do not increase the sum of array1 beyond the expected sum. If found, swap the
elements and return.
If Rule1 is not is not satisfied, Find a number in array1 that is bigger than a number in array2 in
such a way that the difference between any two numbers in array1 and array2 is not smaller than
the difference between these two numbers.
Find a number in array1 that is bigger than a number in array2 in such a way that swapping these
elements, do not decrease the sum of array1 beyond the expected sum. If found, swap the
elements and return.
If Rule3 is not is not satisfied, Find a number in array1 that is smaller than a number in array2 in
such a way that the difference between any two numbers in array1 and array2 is not smaller than
the difference between these two numbers.
Step 5) Go to Step2 until the swap results in an array with the same set of elements encountered already
Setp 6) If a repetition occurs, this array cannot be split into two halves with equal sum. The current set of arrays OR the set that was formed just before this repetition should be the best split of the array.
Note: The approach taken is to swap element from one array to another in such a way that the resultant sum is as close to the expected sum.
The java program is available at Java Code
Please try this and let me know if not working. Hope it will helps you.
解决此问题的一种糟糕的贪婪启发式方法是:尝试将列表从最小到最大排序,然后通过让 list1 = 奇数元素和 list2 = 偶数元素将该列表分成两部分。
A BAD greedy heuristic to solve this problem: try sorting the list from least to greatest, and split that list into two by having list1 = the odd elements, and list2 = the even elements.
very simple solution with recursion
https://github.com/ShubhamAgrahari/DRjj/blob/master/Subarray_Sum。 java