public class Outer {
public void method(){
abstract class Inner{
为了参加 SCJP 考试,您必须了解这一点。
One of the legal modifiers you can use with method local inner classes is abstract.
For example:
public class Outer {
public void method(){
abstract class Inner{
Is there any situation where you would actually use this?
You have to know this for the SCJP exam.
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原始问题中有一些无效的假设。某些东西是合法/有效的 Java 并不意味着它是您需要使用或需要了解的东西。
我不记得 SCJP 包含奇怪的极端案例问题。
The are some invalid assumptions in the original question. That something is legal/valid Java doesn't mean that it is something that you need to use, or need to know.
I can't recall that the SCJP contains odd corner case questions.
I tried to come up with a case where I would have used an abstract class declared in a method, but everything looks very odd, and reeks of bad design.
Here's however a code example that I came up with (still bad code design IMHO)
I can think only in this case
But I can't imagine real usage
恕我直言,这个功能没有实际用途。有几种可能的滥用情况,但还有许多其他方法可以编写糟糕的代码,您无需学习这一方法。 :D
恕我直言,一个在考试中问这个问题的人严重误解了 Java。本地类上不能有可访问性修饰符,因为(缺少方法文字)无论如何都无法从外部访问该类。可以有
修饰符,因为没有理由禁止它们。允许它们有充分的理由:正交性和最小惊讶原则。IMHO, this feature has NO real use. There's a couple of possible abuses, but there are many other ways to write bad code, you needn't learn this one. :D
Whenever you try to make use of an abstract method-local class, you need to define at least two concrete method-inner classes. This means you end up with a method containing at least three classes, the method gets quite long and that's quite a bad style.
I really hope not. Method-local inner classes are already useless enough to be considered a corner case (you should understand them but probably never use them).
IMHO, a person asking this in an exam misunderstood Java badly. There can't be accessibility modifiers on a local class since (lacking method literals) the class can't be accessed from the outside anyway. There can be
modifiers, since there's no reason to forbid them. There are good reasons to allow them: orthogonality and the Principle of least astonishment.让 S2 表示您需要本地类的所有情况。
您的问题的答案可以通过检查 S1 ∩ S2
Let S1 denote all situations in which you need an abstract class.
Let S2 denote all situations in which you need a local class.
The answer to your question can be found by examining S1 ∩ S2
Related questions:
Clarification: My point is that the two features (abstract classes and local classes) are two completely orthogonal features of the language. Understanding when each feature is useful is the key to understanding when they are both useful at the same time.
您可以在这里使用 http://java-questions.com/InnerClass_interview_questions.html
所以这取决于你是否要创建实例。如果您想创建,请使用 final 修饰符。
You can get the use here http://java-questions.com/InnerClass_interview_questions.html
which says
The inner class declared inside the method is called method local inner class. Method local inner class can only be declared as final or abstract. Method local class can only access global variables or method local variables if declared as final
ie You can declare the static variables in the inner call and use them in the methods.
EDIT: Why abstract:
Because if you dont want to create the objects of the inner class. If you create the object in the method then it will be stored in the heap and it is not freed even if the method execution completes as there might be an external reference for this object when it is returned from the method.
So it depends on whether you want to create an instance or not. If you want to create then use final modifier.
the only real use I can imagine is for nodes in a data structure
that way you can differentiate methods from sentinel nodes and normal data nodes which can be really handy in recursive algorithms and you don't have to null check each time
No, there is no good use for abstract classes (or classes in general) inside methods.
It would only make sense if only that particular method would need that particular class and would also implement it. Actually having that situation maybe happens once in trillions of methods you write.
Check out the section titled "Hierarchies of Inner Classes" on this page.
The gist is that you can treat the inner class as just another abstract member that needs to be overridden/implemented. I don't necessarily agree with it (I would probably just define the inner class separately), but I've seen things like this in the wild.
Here's their example code:
顺便说一下,您会注意到直接在实用程序类中“捕获”测试中构建的数据集的能力。使用常规内部类,如果不在测试之外创建特定于测试的数据集,它就无法工作...因此,您最终会得到与其他测试共享的很多内容,而它们仅由一个测试使用(应该使用) 。
您可以在根本不使用封装的情况下构建一个完美工作的应用程序,并且可以争论同样的事情,说 private 修饰符没用...
I think it can be useful to reduce the scope of methods in certain conditions.
For exemple, I use it in unit tests. Sometimes you need an utility method to reduce the verbosity of a test. But this utility method may be related to the current test dataset, and can't be reused outside of this test.
In this real-life exemple, I could have done a regular inner class, but someone could have been tempted to reuse it in other tests, while it was not designed to.
By the way, you will notice the ability to "capture" the dataset build in the test directly inside the utility class. Using a regular inner class, it couldn't work without creating the test specific dataset outside the test too... so you end up with a lot of things shared with other tests, while they are used (should be used) by only one.
In the end, I don't think a feature permitting to reduce the visibility is useless.
You can build a perfectly working application without using encapsulation at all, and can argue the same thing, saying the private modifier is useless...
But yes, the private modifier is certainly more useful than method local innerclasses ;)
You can use it like this.