我正在 badthorn.com 上阅读操作系统开发教程,
就像在 PC 上一样,
是否可以从 SD 卡中我自己的操作系统启动?如果是这样,那么..如何?
可启动和打印“hello world”操作系统的基本内容是什么?签名、二进制文件的位置等 (我想用汇编语言进行开发)
I am reading O/S dev tutorial in brokenthorn.com
as like pc,
can I make and run educational purpose O/S in my smart phone?
it seems there is no Virtual machine for Android so far..
so I think I need to
make my own educational purpose O/S (for smart phone whose default o/s is android)
using exist boot loader, boot it up from SD CARD since I have very small rom.
for now, I have questions
is it possible to boot from my own O/S which is in SD CARD? if so, then.. how?
what are basic for just bootable and printing "hello world" O/S? signature, location of binary file, etc
(I want to develop in assembly language)
although PC base learning would be more efficient, I just want to know.
could somebody let me know how?
any suggestion, simple resource, useful web site link, keyword for google are also welcome.
p.s. do I have to make my own boot loader? since SD CARD (16GB) is formatted as fat32?
thanks again
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如果您正在尝试为 Android 手机创建一个操作系统,那么聚集一些朋友并以小组的形式进行可能是一个更好的主意,因为您自己甚至可能需要数年时间才能完成。但无论如何,这里有一些你可能想要检查的东西:
1)好吧,我对此说不,因为 android 只是一个操作系统,并且所有运行 android 的设备都不相同。许多设备都带有锁定的引导加载程序,未经制造商许可,您无法安装任何其他自定义 ROM 或操作系统。 “但是”,如果您真的想为智能手机创建操作系统,请选择 HTC HD2。主要是因为它功能强大,拥有强大的 1ghz snapdragon 处理器,还因为它有解锁的引导加载程序和一切。它随 Windows Mobile 6.5 一起提供(我拥有此设备),但 xda 论坛上的开发人员“Cotulla”创建了一个名为 MAGLDR 能够从 SD 卡启动基于 Linux 的操作系统。如果您可以通过联系开发人员来获取引导加载程序的源代码,因为它是闭源的,您也许可以直接在智能手机上轻松运行您的操作系统并进行调试。还有另一个类似的引导加载程序,名为 cLk,由 xda 论坛上的“codesmith”制作。
2)为了创建一个Hello World操作系统,我发现了这个-> http://www.viralpatel.net/taj/tutorial/hello_world_bootloader.php可能有用的教程。不适用于 Android 手机,但可能会有帮助。
PS 你必须为自己创建一个引导加载程序,因为我不知道任何 Android 设备具有可以从 SD 运行操作系统的引导加载程序。您可以随时将 FAT32 格式化为 ext3/4 :)
If you are trying to create an operating system for android phones, it might be an better idea to gather some friends and do it in a group as it might even take years to complete it on your own. But anyways, here are some stuff you might want to check:
1) Well, i would say no to this, because android is just a operating system, and all devices running android are not same. Many devices come with locked bootloader which doesnt let you install any other custom rom or operating system without the manufacturers permission. "BUT", if you are really into creating an operating system for smartphones, go for a HTC HD2. Primarily because it is powerful and has a powerful 1ghz snapdragon processor, and also because it has an unlocked bootloader and everything. It came shipped with windows mobile 6.5 (i own this device), but "Cotulla" a developer on xda forums created a custom bootloader called MAGLDR which is able to boot linux based operating system from sd card. If you can get the source code of the bootloader by contacting the developer as it is closed source, you might be able to run your os easily directly on the smartphone and debug it. There is another similar bootloader called cLk made by "codesmith" on xda forums.
2) For creating a Hello World operating system, i found this -> http://www.viralpatel.net/taj/tutorial/hello_world_bootloader.php tutorial which might be useful. Not for android phones, but might be helpful.
Good luck :)
P.S. You will have to create a boot loader for yourself as i dont know any android device that has a bootloader that can run operating systems from SD. And you can format FAT32 to ext3/4 anytime :)