Yes, you can. Just check the version number when the application starts and if needed, bail out with an error screen. I don’t think Apple explicitly prohibits this. (And I doubt they would find out during the review.) Of course it’s annoying from the user’s viewpoint, I would only write something like that if there was no other option.
Yes you can force an upgrade to the user. You can call a webservice when your app start and check on your server if an update is available (you have to add an update when an update available on app store). If an update is available then you can present a view that will have the update button. When pressed this button will redirect the user to the installed app store app and open the upgraded app in it. (you should return this url in your webservice). Let me know in comments if you need more explanations.
And I don't know apple recommend this way. But I have seen this in one or two apps.
Extremely bad approach. My perfectly fine working app forces upgrade, which can not be supported due to obsolete iOS. I am not only forced, but moving away from the coupon app in determination to never use it web-based either. Security issue, if that is the reason for upgrade, should be patched for existing iOS.
是的,你可以。只需在应用程序启动时检查版本号,如果需要,可以通过错误屏幕退出。我不认为苹果明确禁止这样做。 (我怀疑他们会在审查过程中发现。)当然,从用户的角度来看,这很烦人,如果没有其他选择,我只会写这样的东西。
Yes, you can. Just check the version number when the application starts and if needed, bail out with an error screen. I don’t think Apple explicitly prohibits this. (And I doubt they would find out during the review.) Of course it’s annoying from the user’s viewpoint, I would only write something like that if there was no other option.
是的,您可以强制用户升级。您可以在应用程序启动时调用网络服务,并检查服务器是否有可用更新(当应用程序商店中有可用更新时,您必须添加更新)。如果有可用更新,那么您可以呈现一个包含更新按钮的视图。按下此按钮会将用户重定向到已安装的应用程序商店应用程序并在其中打开升级的应用程序。 (您应该在您的网络服务中返回此网址)。如果您需要更多解释,请在评论中告诉我。
Yes you can force an upgrade to the user. You can call a webservice when your app start and check on your server if an update is available (you have to add an update when an update available on app store). If an update is available then you can present a view that will have the update button. When pressed this button will redirect the user to the installed app store app and open the upgraded app in it. (you should return this url in your webservice). Let me know in comments if you need more explanations.
And I don't know apple recommend this way. But I have seen this in one or two apps.
极其糟糕的做法。我完美运行的应用程序强制升级,由于 iOS 过时而无法支持。我不仅被迫,而且决定不再使用优惠券应用程序,也不再使用它的网络版。
如果这是升级的原因,则应针对现有 iOS 修复安全问题。
Extremely bad approach. My perfectly fine working app forces upgrade, which can not be supported due to obsolete iOS. I am not only forced, but moving away from the coupon app in determination to never use it web-based either.
Security issue, if that is the reason for upgrade, should be patched for existing iOS.