考虑一个有两个下拉框的网站。第二个下拉框由 ajax 填充,具体取决于第一个下拉框的选择。现在我可以有一个脚本或程序来模拟第一个下拉框的各种选择并相应地记录第二个下拉框中的值吗?是否有任何程序可以模拟网站的输入并自动获取输出。我是新手,如果我的问题有错请原谅。
Consider a website with two drop down boxes. The second drop down box is populated by ajax depending on the first drop down box's selection. Now can I have a script or program to simulate the various selections of the first drop down box and record the values in the second drop down box correspondingly? Is there any program to simulate inputs to a website and get the outputs automatically. I am a newbie and please excuse me if my question is wrong.
请查看 selenium 或 用于 dotnet 的 watin
If you are asking wether there is software to Simulate a user that interacts with a website:
Have a look at selenium or watin for dotnet
您可以尝试免费 Web 托管公司,或者尝试通过安装 IIS 或 Apache Tomcat 在本地服务器上运行它。有很多教程可以让本地服务器运行。
You may either try Free Web Hosting Companies or try running it on a local server by installing IIS or Apache Tomcat. There are many tutorials to get a local server running.
如果您喜欢Cucumber 功能非常强大/Behavior_Driven_Development" rel="nofollow">行为驱动开发。一开始可能有点令人畏惧,但我强烈推荐这种方法,因为它是一种非常简单且描述性的域语言,并且具有任何人都可以编写测试的能力,跨平台/语言的可移植性,并且能够在使用真实浏览器进行模拟或“无头”模拟(使用构建在 HTML 单元)
Cucumber is incredibly powerful if you fancy a bit of Behaviour Driven Development. It can be a little daunting at first, but I highly recommend this approach due to a very simple and descriptive domain language and benefits like the ability for anyone to write a test, the portability across platfoms/languages and ability to easily switch between simulating using a real browser or "headless" (using in-memory browser built on top of HTML unit)
对于您的情况,我推荐 jsunit: https://github.com/pivotal/jsunit
For your case, I recommend, jsunit: https://github.com/pivotal/jsunit