增加 Windows Server 2003 中托管的共享点应用程序的工作进程数量会产生什么影响
我有一个托管在 Windows 2003 服务器上的共享点应用程序,应用程序池中的最大工作进程数设置为 1。有几个托管的共享点应用程序,其中之一一直非常活跃。
由于所有请求都由工作进程处理,我正在考虑将工作进程的数量增加到 2 个来处理负载。
I have a sharepoint application hosted on a windows 2003 server with the maximum number of worker process set as 1 in the application pool. There are couple of sharepoint application hosted and one of them being very active all the time.
I get this random workflow stuck issue when the on task changed event in the workflow doesnot get fired in my application.
As all requests are being processed by the worker process,I am considering increasing the number of worker process to 2 to handle the load.
I really wanted to know what are the effects of increasing the worker process number before i proceed.
Any help appreciated, Thanks!
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一个工作进程并不意味着可以同时处理最终用户活动的一个线程。一个工作进程是多线程的。添加更多工作进程很可能无法修复当前设置的问题。它将增加内存使用量,因为每个工作进程都必须加载 asp.net 运行时的副本以及相关的 SharePoint 程序集和缓存。
One worker process doesn't mean one thread of end user activity can be processed at once. One worker process is multi-threaded. Most likely adding more worker processes won't fix what is wrong with your current setup. What it will do is increase your memory usage as each worker process has to load a copy of the asp.net runtime as well as the relevant SharePoint assemblies and cache.