是纯 c/c++代码可以在 webOs 中代替 javascript 吗?
HP webOS需要javascript、HTML来开发应用程序。但是我们可以通过c++或c中的javascript做任何事情吗?他们有给它任何API列表吗?我发现PDK是用于openGL游戏移植的。他们有给C++开发者任何选择吗?
HP webOS needs javascript,HTML to develop applications.but is it possible whatever we can do through javascript in c++ or c? have they given any API list for it?I found PDK is for openGL game porting .Have they given any option for C++ developers?
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如果使用 C/C++,那么在界面方面,您基本上是靠自己的力量,除非您为使用 HTML 和 JavaScript 作为 UI 的混合 PDK 应用程序构建插件。您可以使用 C++ 提供用于系统服务和访问硬件(绘制到屏幕、按下键盘等)的 API。目的是,当您需要速度时,您将使用 C/C++,而在速度不太重要的其余时间,您将使用 JavaScript(例如,您不会做任何用户会注意到比您编写的代码慢的事情) C/C++ 代码)。
为了回答我认为你的问题背后的问题,你可能需要学习 JavaScript 来为 webOS 编程,除非你只想开发 openGL 游戏。
If using C/C++, you are essentially on-your-own when it comes to the interface unless you build a plugin in for a hybrid PDK app that uses HTML and JavaScript for the UI. You are provided with APIs for system services and accessing the hardware (drawing to the screen, keyboard presses, etc.) in C++. The intention is that you'll use C/C++ when you need speed, and JavaScript the rest of the time when speed is less critical (as in, you're not doing anything that the user will notice as slower than if you had written the code in C/C++).
To answer the question I sense lies beneath your question, you're probably going to have to learn JavaScript to program for webOS unless you want to develop openGL games only.