有没有比以交互模式运行更好的 PHP 控制台
有没有类似 ipython for PHP 的东西?语法高亮并且在第一个异常时不让控制台退出到 shell 会很好。 :)
Is there something like ipython for PHP? Syntax highlighting and not having the console exit to shell on the first exception would be nice to haves. :)
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Justin 刚刚在 OSCON 上发表了关于交互式 shell Psysh 的演讲,它似乎是 phpsh 的改进版本。
Justin just gave a talk on the interactive shell Psysh at OSCON which appears to be an improved version of phpsh.
交互式 Shell 将在 PHP 5.4 中得到改进。
请参阅http://schlueters.de/blog/ archives/133-Now-in-trunk-Improved-interactive-shell.html
另一种选择是 http://phpsh.org/
The Interactive Shell will be improved in PHP 5.4.
See http://schlueters.de/blog/archives/133-Now-in-trunk-Improved-interactive-shell.html
An alternative would be http://phpsh.org/
从未尝试过,但 http://david.acz.org/phpa/ 听起来很有希望。该页面还列出了两种可能值得研究的替代方案。还有一些想法认为 php-trunk/5.4 中对内置的 php -a 进行了翻新。所以也许可以尝试一下 SVN 版本(至少它支持非 ASCII 输入)。
Never tried, but http://david.acz.org/phpa/ sounded promising. The page also lists two alternatives which might be worth to investigate. There were also some musings that the builtin
php -a
was refurbished in php-trunk/5.4. So maybe try the SVN version (at least it supports non-ASCII input).