Transformable Type 和 NSValueTransformer 执行
如果您扩展 NSManagedObject 或使用静态方法实例化您的 Model 类或将 NSPersistentStoreCoordinator 类型设置为 NSInMemoryStoreType 您的 NSValueTransformer 类仍然会执行吗?
If you extend NSManagedObject or you use a static method to instantiate your Model class or you set your NSPersistentStoreCoordinator type to NSInMemoryStoreType will your NSValueTransformer class still execute?
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答案是,如果持久存储类型设置为 NSInMemoryStoreType,您在 Core Data 中设置的 NSValueTransformer 将不会被执行。
The answer was if the persistent store type is set to NSInMemoryStoreType your NSValueTransformer that you setup in Core Data will not get executed.
Hope this helps someone. If you find this in any doc or have an answer why this is so please post it here.