比较 double.MaxValue 是否相等是个好主意吗?
同样的问题也可以问 float... 或 MinValue。
它是 C# 规范中描述的内容吗?
Same question can be asked of float... or of MinValue.
I am thinking of using it as a special value. Will i see bugs due to precision? I don't expect to do arithmetic with these numbers, just set them and that's it.
Clarification: I am using this for a sentinel value.
Is it something that's described in a C# spec?
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如果您将 double.MaxValue 与 double.MaxValue 进行比较,是的,它们是相同的。二进制表示是相同的,不会有问题。另一方面,如果您尝试类似的操作:
If you compare
, yes they will be the same. The binary representation is identical, there won't be a problem. If, on the other hand, you try something like:then yes you'll probably start seeing weird precision issues pop up.
The following are special constants that can't be compared to themselves. Anything else is fair game.
如果您想要一个“特殊”值,我的建议是使用 Nullable 相反:
If you want a "special" value, my suggestion would be to use Nullable instead:
使用“特殊值”通常是不好的做法。我更喜欢使用带有某种状态代码的对象,然后使用仅在状态非异常时才填充的 double(/float/whatever)。
Using "special values" is generally bad practice. I would prefer to use an object with some kind of status code, and then a double(/float/whatever) that is only populated if the status is non-exceptional.
You could even do some fancy operator overloading to make for easy conversion and arithmetic if you need to.
Regarding precision issues, since it sounds like you're not planning to do arithmetic on this number, so you shouldn't run into precision issues that prevent the equality check from working.
我认为这不应该是一个问题。我没有技术解释,但我多次使用 MaxValue 或 MinValue 进行比较,这从来都不是问题。
I don't think it should be a problem. I don't have a technical explanation but I've used MaxValue or MinValue for comparisons many times and it's never been an issue.
如果您使用 double.MaxValue 作为具有特殊语义的标记或哨兵值,那么是的,它只是您要比较的位模式。例如,您可以使用 double.MaxValue 来指示“未初始化”或“未知”值。还有其他方法可以做到这一点(例如使用可为空的
,那么您需要查看这些数字是否为在彼此的某个小范围 (epsilon) 内,因为在计算其他double
值时可能会丢失一些精度。这里需要注意的问题是值超出了 double.MaxValue,从而导致溢出情况。It depends on how you use it.
If you're using
as a token or sentinel value that has special semantics, then yes, it's just a bit pattern that you're comparing against. For example, you could usedouble.MaxValue
to indicate an "uninitialized" or "unknown" value. There are other ways to do this (e.g. with the nullabledouble?
), but usingdouble.MaxValue
is also reasonable assuming the value doesn't naturally occur in your domain.If you have some arbitrary
value, though, and you want to see if it's "equal" todouble.MaxValue
, then you'll want to see if the numbers are within some small range (epsilon) of each other since some precision could've been lost when computing your otherdouble
value. The issue to be aware of here is with values that go beyonddouble.MaxValue
, creating an overflow situation.