C# 验证远程目录是否存在
我正在使用 Directory.Exists 来查看是否输入的目录是有效目录。这对于所有本地目录以及我有权访问的有效远程目录都适用,但对于我无权访问的远程目录,失效速度很慢。
I am using Directory.Exists to see if an entered directory is a valid directory. This works well for all local directories, and for valid remote directories that I have access to, but for remote directories that I don't have access to, it is slow to invalidate.
I suspect that this is because of a built in set number of attempts to find the directory, which are all failing because I don't have access to it.
How can I determine a remote directory is invalid faster?
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对于稍微不同的方法,可能值得尝试 DirectoryInfo,在内部它可能使用与 Directory.Exists() 不同的方法:
但要注意, 构造函数 在某些情况下似乎会抛出异常。
For a slightly different approach, it may be worth giving DirectoryInfo a try, internally it may use a different approach than Directory.Exists():
But watch out, the constructor seems to throw exceptions in some cases.
Since this is not a static class, it may perform even worse, but it's worth trying I'd think.