我即将开始一个不属于任何课程的大学项目。我的任务是识别任意图像上的对象(例如图像中的圆圈数量)。我将主要处理 2D 图像。我对此类图像处理没有太多经验,想知道是否有人可以指导从哪里开始。
我最初的谷歌搜索给了我一些可以构建的关键字,例如 OpenCV。我有一些关于信号和系统的课程(特别是傅里叶变换),很多计算机科学相关的课程(数据结构,算法等),数学课程(微积分,线性代数等),等等。
I am about to start on a university project that is not part of any courses. I was tasked with identifying objects on a arbitrary image (say number of circles in a image). I will be working mostly with 2D images. I don't have much experience with such image processing and was wondering if someone could give a guidance on where to start.
My initial google search gave me some keywords to build upon, such as OpenCV. I have some courses regarding signals and systems (fourier transform in particular), lots of computer science related courses (data structures, algorithms, etc), math courses (calculus, linear algebra, etc), and others.
Can someone please give me a quick guide on what kind of things to look for and learn? Any kind of guidance would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
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机器视觉图像处理是一个极其复杂的领域。我推荐 Milan Sonka 的《图像处理、分析和机器视觉》一书。这是一本昂贵的书,但其独特之处在于面向实用算法。
Machine vision image processing is an extremely complex area. I recommend the book Image Processing, Analysis, and Machine Vision by Milan Sonka. An expensive tome, but unique in being oriented toward practical algorithms.
阅读 Richard Szeleski 的新书 (PDF 草稿可用),了解当前技术的概述。
Read chapter 14 of Richard Szeleski's new book (PDF draft available) for an overview of current techniques.
There's also material from a short conference course here.
如果您需要一些更高级的对象检测,您可以使用 Viola-Jones 算法(请参阅 OpenCV 或 Rapidminer http://spl.utko.feec.vutbr.cz/en/image-processing-extension-for-rapidminer-5)或定向梯度直方图(是行星到 http://spl.utko.feec。 vutbr.cz/en/image-processing-extension-for-rapidminer-5)
Some simple object such as Circles can be detected using Hough transform.
If you need some more advanced object detection you can use Viola-Jones algorithm (see e.g. OpenCV or Rapidminer http://spl.utko.feec.vutbr.cz/en/image-processing-extension-for-rapidminer-5) or Histogram of Oriented Gradients (is planet to http://spl.utko.feec.vutbr.cz/en/image-processing-extension-for-rapidminer-5)