我正在寻找一些可视化画布,可以轻松地可视化许多节点和边缘以及向下钻取和探索。最接近我想要的是 Gephi。
I am looking for some visualisation canvas that would allow easy visualisation of many nodes and edges as well as drill-down and exploration. Closest to what I want was Gephi.
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您可以看看 yEd,它与 Gephi 非常相似。我在 yEd 中更喜欢的一件事是多窗格布局,因此您可以查看整体方向的缩小图、当前缩放级别的大视图以及第三个视角 - 当前节点的框图和箭头图以及这是邻接关系。
You might take a look at yEd, which is very similar to Gephi. One thing that I prefer in yEd is the multi-pane layout, so you can view the zoomed out graph for overall orienation, the large view at the current zoom level, and a third perspective - a block and arrow diagram of the current node and it's adjacencies.