为什么 _UNICODE 定义时 __tmainCRTStartup 调用 WinMain?
定义 WinMain 和 wWinMain abd 将其编译为静态库。
设置字符集设置UNICODE系统。(define _UNICODE)
无论字符集是多字节还是unicode,当WinMain 和wWinMain 都被定义时,WinMain 都会被调用。
仅当您在静态库中定义 WinMain 时才会发生这种情况。
当您在源项目中定义 WinMain 和 wWinMain 时,它可以正常工作,包括
unicode 系统调用 wWinMain 和多字节系统调用 WinMain。
You can try this right now.
Define both WinMain and wWinMain abd compile it as a static library.
Make a new project for executable file exe.
Set character set setting UNICODE system.(define _UNICODE)
Link the static library just made.
Then your program starts from WinMain.
Whether the character set is multi-byte or unicode, WinMain is called, when both WinMain and wWinMain is defined.
It happens only when you define WinMain in a static library.
When you define WinMain and wWinMain in a source project including, it works correctly,
unicode system calls wWinMain and multi-byte system calls WinMain.
Why does it happen?
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链接器尝试推断您的入口点是什么并替换 __tmainCRTStartup 的相应实现。然而,这里有两个限制:
我建议您使用 _tWinMain 定义一个单一入口点:
链接器还有 /ENTRY 选项,但我不建议您使用它,因为它更危险,您可以通过简单地定义单一入口函数并传递来完成相同的功能/SUBSYSTEM 链接器选项的正确值。
Linker tries to deduce the what your entry point is and substitute correspoinding implementation of __tmainCRTStartup. However there are two limitations here:
So, to answer your question why you see this, is you are hitting one of the cases of "undefined behavior". You should not rely on this behavior because it is not guaranteed to work and might change in new compiler version.
I suggest you define one single entry point using _tWinMain:
There is also /ENTRY option for linker, but I don't recommend you using it, because it is more dangerous and you can accomplish the same functionality by simply defining single entry function and passing correct value for the /SUBSYSTEM linker option.