将 System.out.println 重定向到 Log4J,同时保留类名信息
我有一些库正在调用 System.out.println,我想通过 log4j 或 commons 日志记录重定向它们。但我特别想保留完全限定的类名,这样我就知道哪个组件生成了日志。
I have some libraries that are calling System.out.println on me, I'd like to redirect them through log4j or commons logging. But in particular I'd like to keep the fully-qualified-classname so I know what component generated the logs.
Is there a nice, orderly way to accomplish this?
UPDATE: After accomplishing this I posted the code here:
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我能想到的唯一方法是编写自己的 PrintStream 实现,该实现在调用 println 方法时创建堆栈跟踪,以便计算出类名。这将是非常可怕的,但它应该可以工作...概念验证示例代码:(
在您的代码中,您可以让它记录到 log4j 而不是当然...或者也可能。)
The only way I can think of would be to write your own
implementation which created a stack trace when theprintln
method was called, in order to work out the class name. It would be pretty horrible, but it should work... proof of concept sample code:(In your code you would make it log to log4j instead of course... or possibly as well.)
如果您可以修改源代码,请查看 Eclipse 插件 Log4E。它提供了一个将 System.out.println 转换为记录器语句(以及许多其他处理日志记录的很酷的东西)的函数。
If you can modify the source code, then have a look at the Eclipse Plugin Log4E. It provides a function to convert System.out.println into logger statements (and many other cool stuff dealing with logging).