Zend Framework:操作控制器命名规则
我不清楚 Zend 框架中使用标准路由等的操作的命名规则。我只能使用小写字母吗?如果是这样,其他开发人员如何应对缺乏灵活性的问题?
Zend 文档 (http://framework.zend.com/manual/en/coding-standard.naming-conventions.html) 中的标准命名约定规定函数应该采用驼峰命名法。没有提及 Action 函数的任何例外情况。
其他来源(例如此备忘单 http://www.ideveloper.de/ weblog/zend-framework-cheat-sheet.pdf)同意这一点,但是camelCased Actions对我不起作用。路由器在查找 Action 之前将 URL 转换为小写。
当用户请求 createNewUser 时,Zend 查找函数 createnewuserAction()。
I am unclear on the naming rules for Actions using stadard routing, etc, in the Zend Framework. Am I limited to using lowercase letters only? And if so, how do other developers deal with the lack of flexibility?
The Standard Naming Conventions in the Zend Documentation (http://framework.zend.com/manual/en/coding-standard.naming-conventions.html) say that functions should be camelCased. There's no mention of any exception for Action functions.
Other sources (such as this cheatsheet http://www.ideveloper.de/weblog/zend-framework-cheat-sheet.pdf) agree with this, however camelCased Actions don't work for me. The router converts the URL to lowercase before looking for the Action.
When the user requests createNewUser, Zend looks for the function createnewuserAction().
Any assistance appreciated!
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操作名称中的驼峰式命名法映射到 URL 中的连字符。
例如,像这样的 url:/foo/some-thing 映射到 FooController::someThingAction()
CamelCase in the action names maps to hyphenation in the URL.
For example, a url like: /foo/some-thing maps to FooController::someThingAction()
如果我是正确的,以大写字母开头的第二个单词必须是单词 Controller。
You could name the controller FooController but I don't think FooFooController.
If I'm correct the Second word that begins with a capitalized letter has to be the word Controller.