需要 LOH 内部结构
大对象堆维护段中空洞的空闲列表。它用它来满足大对象的分配请求。这是否也意味着此类分配可能比来自小对象堆的常规(仅分配指针增加)分配更昂贵? 参考
在 32 位进程上,段大小的下限为 16MB。 64 位进程的大小限制是多少?
I know, it is an implementation detail, and some people think it is forbidden to be interested into them. But I nevertheless want to find references for, and confirmation of, the following:
The large object heap maintains a free-list of holes in a segment. It uses this to fullfill allocation requests for large objects. Doesn't that also mean that such allocations would potentially be more expensive than regular (only allocation pointer increasing) allocations from the small object heap? Reference
On 32-bit processes, the lower limit of segment sizes is 16MB. What is that size limit for 64-bit processes?
Remark: This question does not ask for proper object design (pooling) solutions.
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我刚刚在 VMMap 的帮助下找到了问题的第二部分:
32 位上的最小段大小
(MS 博客中也以这种方式报告):
64 位上(仅通过尝试发现):
I just found out the second part of the question with the help of VMMap:
The minimum segment size
On 32 bit (is also reported that way in a MS blog):
On 64 bit (only found out by trying):