开源 Java 文件选择器支持自动文件扩展名吗?
我想要的是一个在保存文件时与 Office 程序类似的文件选择器;也就是说,文件选择器可以选择自动保存带有几个预定义文件扩展名之一的文件。文件扩展名应该是通常在输入字段下方的文件过滤器中可供选择的文件扩展名。
文件选择器还必须支持 Linux 操作系统。
Is there a good open source filechooser for java that supports automatic file name extension?
What I want is a filechooser that acts similar to office programs' when saving files; that is, a filechooser which has the option of automatically saving a file with one of a few predefined file extensions. The file name extension should be one those available to choose from in the file filters usually found below the input-field.
The filechooser must also support linux operating systems.
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在 JFileChooser 中将选定的文件调整为 FileFilter
I used this solution instead:
adjust selected File to FileFilter in a JFileChooser
尝试 XFileDialogue。
Try XFileDialogue.